Queensland and my alcohol problem

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January 11th 2007
Published: January 11th 2007
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hey everyone... Sorry i've not updated this guy in a while... reading numbers are down so, i guess i need to think of something new and exciting to get people back on the blog reading er thing.. thats why i've put the title.. i have no alcohol problem but i figure that people love that kinda thing... it sells papers so why not blog reads.

So i'm now in hervey bay... which is the place you access fraser island from ... its pretty freaking warm up here... luckily its not quite as warm as thailand and bali... but... its so humid... aperantly yesterday was 32 degrees... it felt hot.. and i got here at 5! so, i best update you with how things have been going since port macquire.

Firstly port macquire was a cool place... not the most exciting of places i stayed there 3 nights because i couldn't get a bus out of the place, so i went down to the beach and read Q magazine that i got in sydney... all was good...Oh and i watched the circket a bit as well.... but Tony the owner kept telling me to get out and see the place because i didn't pay the airfare to watch cricket... luckily england weren't playing cricket so, i didn't see the problem... but eventually i did do something. Like walk to the koala hospital... i was gonna get you guys some pictures of that but, this computer seems a bit stupid and doesn't wanna see my camera.. they don't like to leave computers easy to use in hostels... i guess cos if they did people would mess with them.

Yer so from there to coffs harbour basically for the night arrived at 5 left at 8 next morning.. had a nice time there got takling to 2 girls who were on the bus.. and one of them had a grandma in stowmarket of something... which was cool... well not for her grandma i guess who wants to live in stowmarket... do'nt think anyone reads this who lives in stowmarket so i'll be ok. It had a good surf beach there tho... pretty sweret waves... kinda wish i was there longer then i could have fallen off a surf board a heap of times.

Then Surfers paradise... in which there weren't many surfers... and it wasn't paradise... which is possibly why the surfers have left I think they should be sued under the place names misdescription act... which is a popular law of queensland. It was a ok place a huge beach and some pretty big waves... didn't look like great surf waves tho... Its also a weird place as on the beach front there are a heap of huge 40 - 50 story buildings, theres about a block of then and then its just normal houses... Stayed in a pretty rough place as well.. but did get a free meal out of it which was just as well as i had been trying out canned meals... not good.. at all... it was in a club which was weird so left there to an irish pub.. seriously backpacking is hard work... you keep on aving to have a few beers with people just to be sociable.. plus being on my own means i either eat a heap to finish food off or eat little. think i'm gonna be a fat guy when i get home... yer so surfers.. beach and pub was about what surfers was about well club really i guess but i ran away from there pretty soon.

From surfers went on to brisbane which was pretty nice place but not too much to do.. got there lunch time... looked about and got watching some rubbish film in the TV room luckily i have no idea of the title so no one will ever know... but i looked around the south bank of the brisbane river but the weather was rubbish so went to the xxxx brewery tour... where you got to taste some beers as well... man i sound like i'm turning in to an alcoholic... Don't worry Grandma its all in moderation.. Then i went back cooked food and went to the pub to watch the cricket... Man pub again! i only had one beer there tho which was because we looked like losing so i figured i may as well head away from there cos i'd get too depressed. Jen used to say i got very into the cricket... I could never understand the alternative... you either want your country to win or your a looser as far as i can figure.. who wants to loose... But i guess me and jen were different playing pool Jen would just hit a ball because it was the easiest to hit rather than any tactical reason... I always won so, My way must be better i figure.

Any way that gets off the point rather... Now i'm in hervey bay its close to lunch time, i'm booked on a tour of fraser island tomorrow i then have another night here because i can't get a bus away from here til the day after then its an overnight bus!!! yea! Fun! to airlie beach which is near the whitsunday islands!!

Any who Hope you guys who read this are all ok.

Take care



11th January 2007

Man i am no longer even travelling with you and yet still you manage to find ways of making me sound stupid or just simple in your blogs. Since we parted company i have been educating myself, even went to the houses of parliament here in canberra today and took a tour, so I now know all about the history of australian politics. Take care and keep up the drinking. Have you tried goon yet? Jenni

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