Gold Coast Titans Rugby Game

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September 22nd 2008
Published: October 7th 2008
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On Sunday we went to our first rugby game! It was the last of the season for the Gold Coast Titans. Their stadium was brand new this year, but we can't figure out if the Titans are a new team or if this was just their first year in Skilled Park. We got pretty good seats and sat behind someone who briefly explained rugby to us to the point where we sort of knew what was going on. We had all purchased shirts the weekend before at the fair so we looked like we belonged! On the first bus we needed to take, the meter to take your money was broken, so we got a free ride. Then, at the bus stop where we needed to transfer buses (which was a really neat shopping center we're planning on going back to soon), we somehow managed to get on a charter bus that dropped us off right at the gates of the stadium for free! Also, we ate at Subway in the Pacific Fair shopping center, and it had machines where you typed in your order (drink/sub/cookies/what sauce/which veggies/etc.) instead of talking to the sandwich makers. The only time we spoke to a real human was when we paid! It was pretty cool though and the food was good, so thats really all that matters! Also, at the game when you went to get anything from the concession stand, you went through a cafeteria style line and picked out what you wanted without talking to any workers until you paid. At halftime, through some type of game, a 14 year old girl won $100,000, we were pretty jealous. Do 14 year olds even know how much $100K is?! The game was a lot of fun and an awesome Aussie experience, despite the Titans losing! It doesn't replace football though, which we cannot figure out any way to watch. After we asked around some Australians told us that the only football game broadcast down here is the Super Bowl, so luckily we'll be back in time to see some of the season!

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8th October 2008

Who won???
Love You!

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