My 4WD

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May 2nd 2008
Published: May 2nd 2008
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So, since the last blog i have been on a 4WD safari of the amazxing fraser island. It all began on tuesday morning, as Jess' alarm woke me every ten minutes til i finally got up and hour later, just in time to check out. We then had our briefing for the trip at 7am, which consisted of being told how to drive, where to go, how not to be eaten by dingos, etc!

We left just after 8, and i immediately had to drive one of the big 4WD car/bus things, as we went to the main shed to get all our camping gear. These things seat 11, so yes they are big! We were given all our gear, tents, eskeys, gas, waterproof sheets etc, and showed how to pack them in the roof to distyriubte weight evenly. The next stop before the island was the shops to buy our supplies, i left the girls to it, i didnt have a clue how to buy for 11 people!! The first challenge of my day was an evil reverse park onto the ferry to take us across, but not a problem for Dom! We made a quick stop to pick up our camping permits at the main base on the island, before hitting the sand.

There followed 2hours plus of Dom having an awesomely fun time driving on the sandiest, narrowest, bumpiest, windiest roads ever. I say road, the whole island is made of sand, so they can hardly be called roads! Slowly but surely we made it to Lake Wabby, which was bizarre. Soo much sand, and such a small lake, but we had a lot of fun running down the dunes into the lake, and taking silly photos, before heading to the campsite on the beach. We set up camp in time for the sun going down, and the girls put on a BBQ for us. The night was spent socialising, and in some cases drinking, but most people went to bed between 9 and 10, as the night had started soo early. I hti the hay around 11, having seen the most amazing night sky of my life, no kidding!

Day two began as Jess woke us around 7am. We ate breakfast on the beach, before packing up and heading up the coast (no driving for me today) up to Indian point. We all climbed up, and had half an hour or so of "reflection time" as i like to call it, and of course photo ops! The next stop, and not far, was champagne pools, two little rock pools with a nice little beach, names as the waves crash over into them and froth them up. At 1, we drove back down the coast, stopping at the Maheno shipwreck, before setting up camp just before our tide limit, ie the time we cannot drive on the beach. From camp we walked to Eli creek, where we waded along it and admired the plants and of course the GIANT spiders. We headed back to camp around 4 and then climbed the hill to watch the sun go down, but didnt see it due to the cloud (which gave us a short burst of rain, grr!). We had pasta for tea before another night of socialising around the tents. We all went to bed around half 9.

Day three started around half 7, as i beeped the car horn to get people up! cant waste time me thinks! We finished off all of the breakfast, before loading for the last time and heading inland to lake mckenzie. After a slightly slow and cautious drive by a group member, we finally made it and immediately went for a swim. Amazing lake, blue colour very cool, though i preferred the weirdness of lake wabby. After an hour or so of sun/cloud bathing, we went to the car to eat lunch. Since food had to go, i ate four rounds of sandwiches....hungry? yes! Had another quick dip before we had to go back to the ferry. Just before getting up, i filled the tyres back up to on-road pressure, and then took over the driving for the rest of the jounery back to Hervey Bay.

We all enjoyed showers and fresh clothes, before some of us opted for the all you can eat pizza from Dominos that the hostel put on, whilst we all watched the finale of biggest loser!

Today, being friday, i left the girls to come up to Noosa on my own, as tomorrow i am going to the Australia Zoo. I had to get a greyhound as my bus doesnt run today, but the journey was all good, going through some beautiful scenery. On my arrival at 4pm, i went for a walk up to the lookout point to get an amazing view of Noosa. It has lots of headlands and waterways, making it a very cool little place, with by the looks of it a lot of money, as lots of nice houses, restuaraunts etc here.

Hope that wasnt too much to take in! Apologies for lack of photos these days, no ways round it at the moment! My fondest greetings to you all!


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