Friday and Saturday and Sunday and Monday

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October 23rd 2014
Published: October 26th 2014
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Not too much to update you on here as I'm having some chill out time.

I checked out of the Base hostel Friday morning and had breakfast with Michelle and then we got a taxi to the bus station. We met Natalie and Rachel there as the 3 if us were on the same greyhound bus to Townsville, Michelle was heading to Cairns, but we are planning to meet up again there. Natalie and Rachel were rather tired as they had been partying with Justin and his mate on a boat until 4.30am - ah the youth of today how I wish I was 30 years younger lol.

The bus to Townsville as as usual without drama and we managed to arrive just before the 2.15pm ferry left for magnetic island. Everyone quickly got their bags off the coach and headed for the ferry terminal, I traded up my voucher for a ticket and joined the rather chaotic queue. Nat and Rachel were staying in Townsville that night so we would catch up again in Saturday.

The ferry was pretty full but I found a seat on the top deck after dumping my big bag at the back of the ferry. I collected my bag before we docked to make sure I was off as quickly as possible. I checked with a local person where the Base hostel was and she told me and gave me instructions on catching the bus which drops you off just outside.

I found the bus, paid and took a seat at the front. As the ferry unloaded more and more back packers got on so the bus was completely full. A lovely old gentleman who was a local sat next to me. His name was Patrick and he fessed up that the locals call back packers 'rabbits' for some reason. We had a little chat until his stop and we said our goodbyes, wished each other well and he got off.

When we got to the relevant bus stop the driver told us we had arrived and just about everyone spilled out of the bus. As we went in we were given a form to complete for registration which I duly did and then checked in. I upgraded for $5 so I got a towel toiletries and a free welcome drink! My dorm was at the far end of the complex in a 6 bed all female dorm.

After settling in I took a walk up to,the supermarket to get some supplies as cooking is cheaper than eating out. I walked back in the sunshine checking out the views of the sea and she I got back cooked some tea and put away my stuff and heads back to the dorm. I had been joined by a girl from Sweden and from Germany but they were not travelling together. We must have all been tired teddies as we were showered and tucked up by 9.30pm lol.

Saturday was a lazy day by the pool, well why not when there is a pool and it's in the mid 30s :-) I was joined later by Nat and Rachel who had come over on the ferry earlier that day and were staying on the island for the night. It was a tough day lying by the pool so I headed back to the dorm around 3.30pm and had an early shower before the rush started.

Around 6.30pm as agreed we met up for dinner in the bar/restaurant area. It was very busy but we found a table and were joined by a couple of girls who were sisters from the UK, who Nat and Rachel had got talking to whilst at the bar wherever had all got our free drink lol. When we ordered food it seemed they were out of many of the food choices so it was easier to say tell me what you have Nd then I can choose lol.

Later we were joined by some more girls who the sisters had met on their travels so we all sat chatting, drinking and eating. When happy hour arrived we took advantage of the $6 cocktails and $14 jugs of cider and beer. A guy had also. Later a guy came over to join us who was in the same dorm as Rachel and Natalie so we chatted to him about travelling etc, all the usual questions we're asked, how long have you been in Oz, how long are you travelling for, where have you been etc.

There was also a group of guys staying who were definitely not travellers (you can spot them lol) we reckoned they were from the army barracks in Townsville. They were being quite loud and larey and made their way over our table and some of the girls and guys ended up playing drinking games. Later Rachel and Nat went off to their dorm as one of the girls in there was having a 21st birthday party. The girls and their roomy were asked if they wanted to go by another guy who was staying in there too, so with drinks in hand off they toddled. I ended up playing the drinking games for a while but by 10pm ish I had had enough and some of the guys had clearly got board and were focusing on some girls with a hoola hoop, so I took my leave and came back to the dorm where most of my roomies were already in bed lol, we are so rock and roll 😊

Sunday was another lazy day by the pool, it's nice just to have some do nothing time and also get some admin done (when the wifi works!) it was a hot one again but there was an ocean breeze blowing which cooled things down a little soothe heat wasn't so oppressive.

In the evening I had a shower and had dinner down at the bar area. As cider was in offer I got a jug, well it would be rude not too lol. Whilst I was trying to use the wifi Jake and Curtis popped up! Always nice to see the :-) so we sat and chatted and caught up on our adventures and what's been happening since we last saw each other. We did the FB thing as its like our paths will not cross again. So after dinner we said our goodbyes and had a hug and wished each other well. Then off I went to pack my bags as I was heading off to Cairns in the morning.

Monday morning I checked out after morning shore and breakfast. I decided to catch the 9.40am bus just bit case there were any delays with the buses or ferries, my greyhound bus wasn't leaving until 12 noon but it always come early to load passengers and bags. Luckily all went smoothly. The bus was a few minutes late and the ferry crossing was a bop it choppy and I got rather wind blown on the top deck and even splashed a little from the spray coming off the boat.

I bought some food from the cafe for the journey and waited for the bus to arrive along with lots of other travellers and locals. The journey went smoothly as usual, but I did have to drown out the sound of screaming kids with my iPod lol, the first time ever we have had kids on the bus so I can't complain :-)

The bus arrived in Cairns a few minutes later than scheduled, but it was still light although the sun was setting. I popped into a local travel agent to get the location of my hostel and she also gave me a street map which was handy. I found the hostel after a few minutes walk and checked in. When I got to the room there was no one else in it and when I checked out the bathroom it looked liked it was having an overhaul as there were power tools, a ladder and a gaping hole in the ceiling! I went back down and realised she had given me the wrong room key (doh!) I got a key to a new room moved my stuff and took the other key back.

My roomies were two guys who just said hello (so warm and fluffy and friendly, NOT!) so I felt super welcome not! Any how I nipped to the supermarket for supplies put them away ( the fridge leaves much to be desired and doesn't smell great so I won't be leaving much in there!)

I got my stuff ready for mt Great Barrier Reef trip tomorrow and had a shower. There is also a couple staying in my room but just for one night, I think they are from Russia or one of the neighbouring countries and are travelling in a camper van down to Sydney. They went out later as did fluffy guy one, two also nipped out but came back and did engage in a bit of conversation, turns out he is from Germany doing the working visa thing. He also doesn't like the AC on and like to have whispered phone conversations at 11.30pm at night, thank god he leaves on Wednesday.



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