Cloudy Cairns and a good old friendly face...

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May 19th 2006
Published: May 19th 2006
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Just like home...Just like home...Just like home...

This made me smile when I went to start cooking at my new was as if I was at home again, well kind of...
When I first landed in Cairns I was all excited, looking forward to this great start of my travels down the east coast...this all kind of changed when I stepped outside and saw the huge mass of clouds in the sky...these wern't nice fluffy white clouds either...this followed with my hostel being disgusting (caravella77), to go have a shower I had to run out past the pool in the rain, and the actual cubicle had a part of the window missing, forcing me to shower with bent knees as not to expose myself! I then went and got my manual for my 5 day PADI diving course, and went for my diving medical...which to finish my fantastic day off...I failed... I had mild asthma when I was 5 and have never had a problem since, and I also failed the test where you have to blow into this tube connected to a yes, I was not a happy Lucy that day...

Day 2 in Cairns I shoved all the annoyances of the previous day behind me and booked my beautiful Cape Tribulation transport and a whole day of White Water rafting on the Tully river. Man, I loved rafting

Waiting for my bus for the white water rafting along the Esplanade...
so much! I was quite nervous at first but then I really got into it and loved every second...I want to do it New Zealand although it will be freezing! You can also do black water rafting in the dark which would be amazing...(Ian, you better do this with me as well!)

When I came back to my new hostel, YHA Esplanade which is wonderful...really homely and a nice smallish size...I was greeted with a face from the past...the past being the very start of my travels, starting in Heathrow Airport across the world to Sydney... Louise, the girl who I originally flew out to Australia with was now in Cairns for a few days before flying home! It was so great to see her again and catch up...lots of reminiscing about the early days of our travels... Last night was actually her last night, so we went out for dinner and then to a bar which had free champagne and lollies from 10pm-midnight. I can't believe how fast 4 months has gone, and Louise is now on her way back home! I really don't like how time goes so fast, I've only got a month and a small
Together again...Together again...Together again...

Together at the start of our travels, together at the end for Louise's Australian adventure...
bit left in Australia! But then my New Zealand adventure does begin...


19th May 2006

milk bottle
louise has a better tan than u xxx
19th May 2006

I like milk bottles...
How is your tan coming along Nigel? How much do you pay per hour now at the Tan Stand? mwwwwaahhh xx
19th May 2006

Lucy - I think Nigel just really has eyes for the girl behind you on the left with the glasses - Nice!!!!!!!!!
19th May 2006

Home sweet home ah!!
Hope the plate made you go ah!! although cooking was never your strong thing at home, we look forward to you doing us a dinner? Keep the milk bottle look, skin cancer is never a good tan to have!!! says me with a nice spanish tan, whats the saying do as I say not as I do!!!! Its great when the photos have you in them.......more you, take care, mum xxx
19th May 2006

Cheeky git
I have not had a sun bed for about 2 years, however i have booked a session in for next know to get a base coat before i start my worldly BENIDORM!! Im off on a Stag do!, you are looking well , nice to see the pics byeee xxxxmmmmwwwaahhh PIB
19th May 2006

So sorry about the diving dissapointment, but you certainly made up for it with the white water rafting! fantastic for you and louise to meet up, she is rather tanned though luc, but hey, pale and interesting is always good!.. but just in case, bottle of fake tan winging its way to you!! love ya. M L Z M xxxx
22nd May 2006

Unc Al
She is a right sort!
22nd May 2006

Nigel and Al
I think you boys are being very mean about the young lady in the background....she probably has a very nice personality...or not! xxxxx
23rd May 2006

my new travelmate...
she is actually my new travelmate guys! ahaha...not really...but yes im sure she is a fabulous person... out of all the things you could comment about...'the girl in the background with the glasses'...ahaha...
26th May 2006

me myself and irene
hey you guys are so cruel love ming the merciless pib

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