We're leaving on a jetplane

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Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Cairns
March 14th 2005
Published: March 14th 2005
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Hey, hope everyone is well.

We are finally leaving Australia behind (though I guess only for a few weeks). Its been a great jaunt up the East Coast with lots of great memories.

Everyone said to me before I went away "oh you know Ade, the time will fly by". I always replied with "yeah yeah" without realising it ain't 'alf true. Crikey.

Am even starting to forget about some of the places we've been to and have to resort to looking through photos to remind us.

Since last time we spent a few days in the Whitsundays. I'd like to say we did a massive sailing adventure tour, taking in the reef. But we didn't. We did however go on a sailing day trip (and had the BEST BBQ IN THE WORLD) Went snorkelling for the first time and oh my word, words cannot describe how beautiful the reef is. Starting from the boat we started swimming to shore. couldn't really see much. Eventually as we neared the beach, marine life like you wouldn't believe emerged out of the darkness. Big fish, fat fish, schools of little fish, fat fish, coral of every colour surrounded us. I said to myself "wow" and then realised that you can't talk underwater. After coughing and spluttering back on the surface, I went back for more. Amazing stuff. The rest of the time in the whitsundays we went to resort islands. we just couldn't resist their names. "Welcome to daydream island". Mmmmmm.

We then left for Magnetic Island. the most chilled out place in the world. People were almost too chilled out to speak. I'm talking R-E-L-A-X-E-D. Cat got all excited when we hired a topless car. Nice motor but pink in colour. Good photo of Cat driving round the bays. Good photo. As for me, well. Let's just say that pink is not my colour.

Heading north we ended up at Cairns. Met this guy called Peachy yesterday for a true Bush tucker experience. 4WDing around national parks. Damn am running out of time.

We're excitied about going to NZ. The Lonely Planet describes Christchurch as very chic and refined. We're going to have a whale of a time. I am also excited about eating as much lamb as my stomach can handle.

rights that's it for now. will try to upload photos later on.

all best,

Additional photos below
Photos: 4, Displayed: 4


a feared outlaw. and ned kelly. (sorry).a feared outlaw. and ned kelly. (sorry).
a feared outlaw. and ned kelly. (sorry).

this photo was taken at the worlds best mini-golf course. "19 holes around Australia" it was called. the guy at the entrance was SO proud in telling us all about its design. after we paid. "its fine mate, we're going to play". For those who will badger me with questions,let me answer you now. the photo taken was hole 13.

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