Cairns or Bust

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Comments only available on published blogs

13th April 2006

Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Thank you for going to so much trouble, Andy. Yes, yes, yes! I read EVERY caption and stare at every photo, and read and re-read the blogs. This one was fantastic. I can't tell you how much we appreciate all the photographing you did, and all the writing you did, and all the computer work you did to make us feel a bit like we were part of your trip. I especially love all the little funny details about the ways you guys entertained yourselves with invented games and P-units. Did you ever see "Out of Africa"? One of the characters is a guy named Denys Finch-Hatten, so I'm guessing that town was named for him or some relative of his.
14th April 2006

Yoda says: For the ages
your blog is. I just hope this site never crashes after all the work you put into creating it. What a wonderful record of your time in OZ. I wish I'd had something like it when I went to Portugal at your age. OTOH I don't think I've written 21,000 words in my life, much less taken so many pictures (and such good ones!) Take a rest now... but we're also looking forward to a blog about your 'Mama River trip'!

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