Leaving the U.S. and Program Introduction

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July 15th 2008
Published: July 17th 2008
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Before we left KCI
We went to Cairns for 2.5 days when we arrived in Australia for a program introduction through Australearn, the program that set everything up for us. We had informational sessions everyday and stayed in a hostel. We were lucky to stay in the same room, but it was extrememely cramped! Also, our luggage didn't make it to Cairns with us initially, but we had it late the first night. We visited Rainforestation where we learned about Aboriginal hunting methods and tools, and their rituals, and we got to watch them dance and throw a boomerang. During their dance they chose people randomly out of the audience and Kristen was chosen to go onstage and learn some dance moves. Cheyenne got a video, so look for that in the video section! We also got to mingle with Aussie native animals in a petting zoo type atmosphere and hold a Koala bear! We each got pictures with the Koala but not on our cameras. The following day we went to the Great Barrier Reef. It was about a 2 and a half hour boat ride to the reef and we were planning on scuab diving together because you can do an introductory dive
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Kristen and her Grandma Helen
there without having to be certified. We didn't get to dive together but both really enjoyed it and Kristen even went a second time. The second time Kristen was able to bring down an underwater camera that we had rented and got some really neat pictures that will be posted soon. Enjoy!

Additional photos below
Photos: 104, Displayed: 23


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Kristen and her family
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Cheyenne and her momma
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An Aborigine showing us how they hunted with spears
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These were their pretend animals that they were aiming at. They were really accurate sometimes but missed by a long shot most of the time.
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This is called a didjeridoo. It is an instrument used in aboriginal ceremonies and to call animals. There are many different techniques of blowing into it that mimic the different sounds of animals they hunted like kangaroos.
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Explaining to us how the boomerang works
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Cheyenne winding up...
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and throwing the boomerang.
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Kristen throwing the boomerang.
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This is the handpainted entrance to the theater where they performed for us.
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Playing the didjeridoo during the performance
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A view from the drive up to Rainforestation in Cairns
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We think this is a Wallabe, we actually think its really cute!

22nd July 2008

Aw I just looked through all your pictures and it looks amazing there! I hope you're having a blast Kristen! I love you so much!

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