Finding Nemo!

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November 12th 2005
Published: November 12th 2005
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Had a good couple of days in Darwin and enjoyed the nightlife. Apparently I was in the same bar as the actor Hugh Jackman (not exactly sure who that is!). Oh well. Then headed to Cairns where I spent the last five nights. Enjoyed a mad daytrip by Uncle Brian's tour company where we were all singing and dancing with a toy Elmo?! Did get to see some sights as well including Babinda boulders, Josephine Falls and Milla Milla Falls where they filmed the Timotei advert from a few years ago. It was great fun rock sliding until one girl knocked her front teeth out. Ouch!

Also spent a day trip in the Daintree rainforest, saw some baby crocodiles on the river and went to Cape Tribulation. However, the highlight for me was going out on the Great Barrier Reef to Snorkel and scuba dive. I had never really done either before and it was fab. I could definitely get hooked on scuba diving and would love to do a course. Not sure if I will be able to fit it in on this trip though. Saw a sea turtle, some nemos and some other amazing fish and coral.

Now in Mission Beach and have booked a sky dive for tomorrow. Aagh. Will let you know how I get on in my next blog if I survive!!!!


12th November 2005

Glad to hear you are having an amazing time! I think I may start saving my pennies to get myself down under!
12th November 2005

Hugh Jackman is "Wolverine" in the X-Men movies. He's in Vancouver now filming X-Men.

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