My New Chapter

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April 15th 2008
Published: April 15th 2008
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So next chapter, the east coast! flew in at 5am on monday morning and got a taxi to gilligans hostel. Hadnt booked but checked in and went straight to bed. Managed to sleep until about half 9, as other people got up so i did as well. Headed straight to the sea front, and walked all the way along it, and more, to the botanical gardens. Really cool, and kind of cultural i feel! Was a bit of a trek though. I then headed 2km up the hill on a circular walk to get some views of cairns, was dripping by the end but it was worth it! Made my way back to the hostel at about 3, though got caught in some rain on the way, but it passed. Grabbed my boardies and headed to the salt water lagoon near the beach, as dont really have a beach! Spent a few hours there before grabbing some pasta and tuna from the shops and cooking tea. What an effort, the hobs were useless, took forever! should add at this point that the hostel is amazing, more like a hotel, well except for the 8people in a room bit! Really nice place, and a cool beach/pool thing so cannot complain. After tea went for a walk and then watched some TV with some english guys in the lounge, was nice chilled out evening!

Today, very early start, as was getting picked up at 7am to go to Cape Tribulation. Was a reasonably sized group of people but good crowd. The first stop was Port douglas just for a look around. Very quaint little town, with apparently very expensive houses. Was indeed a nice place, so had a little stroll around. From there we headed to Mossman Gorge. Now to be honest, it didnt take my breath away as I have seen better, however it was still quite a cool stop, really nice little walk to a cool swinging bridge, plus nice little swimming spot, though didnt go in as time didnt allow. Had a paddle instead!

It was then gung-ho to cape trib. We had to cross the Daintree river, and we did this using a cable ferry. Was really impressive, only took about 2mins to go across, and its open 6am-12am!! Goes almost immediately you get on as well, not bad. Though quite pricey...for the driver! Made it to cape trib at about 12pm. Some people had booked lunch, but it was silly money, so i took my own, bought some rolls the night before. I headed onto the beach to eat them and it was deserted, and beautiful! Couldnt believe i was there really, kept thinking about everyone back home, which made me a little sad, but made me laugh thinking of people at work/uni/school etc!! Didnt need to be back until half 1, so I made the most of the sun, strolled along the beach, and went for a swim in a lagoon-type thing by some reef, was warm as undisturbed!

Back on the bus, we drove about 10mins to do a nature walk. ARGH! Spider the size of my hand, no kidding. I HATED IT!!!But got a picture...obviously! Saw some really cool rainforest and wetland, and the guide was pretty good. 45mins later, back on the bus to our last stop, a boat trip just the other side of the ferry. Was offered tea and i ate the buiscuits!! The boat lasted about an hour, and in that time we saw three crocs, not impressive i know, but this was the wild after all, and got pretty close! Pics pants though. Also saw some kingfishers, which was apparently a big deal? i dont know! Saw soom cool tree frogs as well, they have a good life me thinks!

Then headed all the way back to Perth, where i got dropped off at the door which was cool. All in all about 250km today i reckon, not a bad day! Had a swim in the pool, it was dark, so most people out and about in bars etc, not me, i was swimming, good times! Showered, and met some of my room-mates, i feel old, they had just done A-levels...well not just but last year! They invited me to a party, but since i hadnt eaten or anything i politely declined! Made my tea, not as long as last night, though just as filling! Then came and found some cheap internet, though it shuts in 3mins, hence why this blog is slightly rushed, and could be a lot better, as the last two days have been wicked! Off to mission beach tomorrow, sorry not to stay here longer, but because oz winter soon, less buses running so would risk getting behind, and the missing out on places nearer the end! Sorry no pictures, watch this space!

Keep messages/comments/e-mails/texts coming please!

Cossey, thanks for the text, sorry not to reply, will try e-mail soon!



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