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October 16th 2006
Published: October 16th 2006
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A birds eye view of BrizzyA birds eye view of BrizzyA birds eye view of Brizzy

Plane trip had some perks. Also got some rather interesting pics of drainage basins if anyone wants them forwarded on...
A plane delay of 4 hours meant that our Quantas plane took off at 3:22 am. It was quite a spectacular delay as we taxied to take off, started the take off and then put the brakes on at a rapid pace when a 'warning light' (prob known as huge warning siren) made itself known to the cap'ain of the ship. Anyhoo, the plane was broke good 'n propper, so we dismounted, hung around a shut airport and got back on that figurative horse. All was good.

Well...I think the aeroplane food poisoned me, as pretty much 4 hours after 'brekkie' I started to - lets just say I didn't get much sleep. That meant that day and the next I was pretty much out of action, and was just thankful to be leaving the 10 person dorm we stayed in our first night in Brizzy for the home of one of Ali's very distant - but they call eachother closer - relatives. Actually it's not even that person, as she's away, who was meeting us but her granddaughter who's recovering from surgery. It's very complicated. I feel way random!

Koala zoos followed (owned by the Japanese interestingly enough),
Koala sanctuaryKoala sanctuaryKoala sanctuary

Koala gets to grip with Ali
where they were nicely cuddled, true oz BBQ in the back yard, and water world with it's dolphin shows, water rides and general hilarity. Brizzy's proving to be a beautiful city and we're here for another few days so hope it'll continue along the same lines!

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Photos: 3, Displayed: 3


Look out pointLook out point
Look out point

Note the crutches that Kate (Ali's way distant relative) had dragged herself up the hill with!

17th October 2006

Hey ranon! it looks like u and ali are having a fab time! im so jealous that u got to cuddle koalas! its getting cold here now,and i bet its hot where u are,not fair!im off to the zoo tomorrow with uni,which should be cool,getting to anaesthtise a monkey and stuff! in charge of a swan just now,which is a bit different! apart from that nothing exciting,got some new pics up on my bebo but thats bout it!take care my lovelies xxxx

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