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April 29th 2007
Published: April 29th 2007
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hey guys actually here been here for 5 days now. tis 3am here and still absolutely roasting!!!!!! lol having an absolutely fabulous time.

1st night we got here we went into town but heva still had jet lag after like 24 hours sleep lol so at 15:15 we went back to our hostel so heva cud get sum sleep. she ended up sleeping through till the following morning lol.

2nd day i went for a run at 5am. finally heva got up at 11am n we went into brisbon city. way bigger than london lol we went shopping i bought sum relly hot bright orange sunnies woohooooooo and bought a chavvy soft peak cap lol and heva got like a cowboy/farmer hat. will be putting up pictures soon they are funny as... that evening we went out and found a place that does WKD!!!!!!!!! was so chuiffed. we entered a wet t-shirt competition thanx to heva lol was absolutely hilarious. sum bitch with a boob job kept tryin to push everyone else off stage. but we made good friends with the boss and a rely cool swiss girl.

3rd day was spent healing after our big night out, and also going into town to get some things sorted. we went to peter pans to investigate frasier island and wit sundays. frasier island is gonna got us bout $500 and wit sundays which is a few days boat ride is gonna cost us another shed load of cash lol but tis all good.

4th day we went into town, but with it being saturday nuttin opens till 11am lazy gits, was going to ceasors to do another promotional night thing of WKD so had to find a dress which failed miserably because the biggest size they do is like a size 14. totally stupid i know! they all anorexic fookers over here! that night we ended up meeting 2 guys at the hostel and going out to the valley with them. was a completely amazing night. shot sum pool and got sooooooooo hammered.

today/yesterday was sunday so nuttin was open at all. they dont work sundays over here. so stayed in and healed. was nice and relaxing. n now its 3:30 and we cant sleep so i'm writing to all u awful people lol

anyway pics will be up as soon as we can get sumwhere to put them on disk for us. speak to you all soon mwah loves ya loads Xxx


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