Roper Bar

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June 22nd 2016
Published: July 4th 2016
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Roper Bar
A quiet camp ground, plenty of retired people who have their boats and set up for more than a month, most in for a chat.
Bacon and Eggs for Breakfast and Peter and the boys walking down to the boat ramp where they put in the opera nets, the caught 2 small fish, (bait) Not the bait desired, cheripen.
On return Peter set up the rods and went back to the nets to check them, a nice fisherman giving Pete some cheripen. The boys went fishing and girls did homework and rested at camp.
No fish caught, snagged 3 times and loosing 2 rigs.
After lunch our neighbour and long time camper returned with his boat and an 83cm Barramundi. The kids all watching him scale it and feed the remains to the Whistling Kite birds. He generously gave us 1/2 a barramundi to eat for dinner. relaxing a little more and then Ally and myself went for a fish across the river.
Cautious not to meet a crocodile we fished in a clearing a couple of metres above the bank. We lost some bait and a lure in a gym tree, 3 metres above the water.

After an hour we headed back to camp with the opera nets and 2 cheripen, arriving just in time for a camp game.

A large group of campers gathering to play a camp game where all players started with 4 cards and depending on the roll on the dice, 1 person would eventually be the only person holding a card. $2 to play and a prize of $50. As Kate and I passed the card to the winning player he generously gave us $10 of his winnings.
Barramundi for dinner, 6/10 rated showers and bed.

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