Going on Coffee Tour: My Excellent Way to Stay Awake

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May 18th 2016
Published: May 18th 2016
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My Exciting And Highly Anticipated Australian Coffee Tour

I'm a massive fan of coffee. Anyone who knows me is aware that I'm 100 percent unable to function until I've had my morning cup. I'm such a big coffee lover that I'm actually planning on embarking on an Australian coffee tour. Yes, it's true. I'm beginning my caffeine-fueled adventures in Sydney, New South Wales and ending them in Brisbane, Queensland.

I love coffee for an abundance of reasons. First of all, I love the way it tastes. Secondly, I love the fact that it helps keep me alert and awake. I don't always get a lot of sleep, so caffeine assistance is definitely a must for me! Otherwise I'd be falling asleep randomly everywhere I go, and I can't have that.

Coffee cupping is one of my favourite pastimes. There are few things on earth more enjoyable than tasting brewed coffee. There are so many fantastic Australian coffee brands out there as well. There are some that are particularly noteworthy, however. Premium Coffee Roasters is one of the best coffee roasters in Australia. This brand is excellent for people who adore Arabica coffees. It's also great for people who love quality espresso coffee blends. Their amazing coffee blends include 'Organic,' 'Northern Italian' and 'Brazilian Blend.' Premium Coffee Roasters is in Port Macquarie and as a result is a perfect stop on my coffee tour from Sydney to Brisbane.

I plan on visiting as many wonderful coffee roasteries as possible during my highly anticipated coffee journey in Australia. The good news is that I've never met a coffee roastery I didn't like. Another fine coffee roaster I love is called, quite simply, The Coffee Roaster. This roaster has locations in both Sydney and Brisbane. It specialises in fine air roasted coffee.

Silverskin Coffee Roasters is a terrific micro roastery option. It's in Newcastle. I definitely won't forget to stop by this roaster during my coffee tour. I'm going from Sydney to Brisbane and I'm going to do whatever I can to stop by all of the best spots. I'm just that serious about good coffee. This roastery is interesting because it focuses on delicious coffee that also happens to have unforgettable backgrounds. If you like having a little history attached to your morning cup of coffee, you really can't go wrong at Silverskin Coffee Roasters. The roastery is home to three lovely house blends that are truly memorable. Silverskin Coffee Roasters has a delicious coffee selection that is constantly evolving. That's definitely a good thing for adventurous coffee lovers who are always looking for the new 'best thing.'

Peak Coffee is in the lovely town of Port Macquarie in New South Wales. The coffee that's available at Peak Coffee is roasted fresh every day of the week. People who are fond of direct trade coffees often reach for the offerings here. The blends available at Peak Coffee are genuinely wonderful. The team behind Peak Coffee always goes out of its way to create pleasant one-of-a-kind coffee blends. If you're like me, you truly appreciate coffee that has character. If you're not someone who is interested in drinking bland cups of coffee that can be found anywhere, you'll appreciate Peak Coffee. I can't wait to visit this roastery on my tour. Can you tell I'm counting down the days? If you can't, I can confirm to you that I am. Only a few sleeps left until I'm in Australian coffee heaven... What more could a girl want, anyway?

Altitude Coffee Roastery, last but not least, is in Armidale, New South Wales. This family-run roastery is a great one for people who have cravings for high-quality coffee. People can enjoy Altitude Coffee Roastery's amazing coffee in the comfort of its quaint and lovely Dangar Street cafe. If that's not wonderful, I don't know what is! People who step into this cafe often can't stop talking about the amazing aromas they encounter. If you're the type of person who likes your coffee luxurious and pampering, you'll love Altitude. I know I like my coffee luxurious! The coffee flavours at Altitude Coffee Roastery are so smooth they practically make me cry.

Needless to say, I'm looking forward to my coffee cupping adventures. Australia, look out! I'm can't wait to enjoy all of your coffee.


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