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May 2nd 2011
Published: February 1st 2011
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Super excited I leave for Delhi, India in 11 days and basically started a blog because Louise told me to 😊

As I can be unreliable with phone/Skype .. it's probably the only way my family and friends can keep an eye on me and I want to share all my adventures with them.

It's pretty funny that 1.I'm going alone and 2. I'm going backpacking - my friends think I'm crazy because I struggle with carrying my handbag and somehow don't think my fellow tour companions are going to be helping me out with a backpack.. so I am packing lightly, and no heart is breaking.

So I have 11 days to finish packing and organize the rest of my trip as well as work out my travel insurance...for which I have none at the present..

All I'm focusing on now is remembering to look out for a small Indian man with my name on his an airport.. where hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of people crowd around everyday...

See you in Delhi!


3rd February 2011

I'd be very careful being a female travelling by myself in Egypt (irrespective of recent demonstrations). They're women are all covered from head to toe, consequently, they think European women are loose and treat them that way accordingly. I had my arse pinched in Egypt whilst I was walking on the arm of a guy - when I turned around there were loads of guys standing there smirking, so I'd got no idea who it was. They're not exactly civilized.
3rd February 2011

tall order
Hi there, brave girl travelling in India on your own. Be careful! As for trekking to base camp, are you fit or do you have experience and equipment to assist you with the trek? I have done a few treks around SE Asia, the biggest was a 5km incline up into hills. Was very bloody hard. I am not the fittest person (still smoke occasionally) but also not completely unfit and I struggled with that trek. Am heading to nepal myself so at least I know my fitness level now and choose treks a little bit more to my ability. The altitude is also a big factor when trekking in such high country. When are you going? its freezing at the moment. Maybe try googling the trekking sites and see what type of treks there are available. Good luck on your travels and stay safe.
2nd May 2011

Hi there!
Giving the base camp a miss and taking the flight to everest instead! Can't wait for Nepal as well think it will be fantastic!

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