Closer each day, Byron Bay

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February 23rd 2005
Published: February 23rd 2005
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Hi all

I am in summer bay. expect to bump into Alf or Ailsa. Well its sort of life summer bay only with more backpackers (they're everywhere!) and fewer caravans.

Everyone here seems to be about 18 years old and on a gap year. Its a great place though. Amazing beaches (it's very hot) and loads of restaurants and drinking holes. Though it does remind of my pre-sixth form trip to Tenerife.

No its good. Having left the comforts of true Aussie life in Sydey (thanks Cerian and Simon!) we are on the road. Spent a couple of nights in Coffs Harbour. Very quiet. Decided to buy some thongs (c'mon, you KNOW I mean flip flops) and have subsequently walking like I've got 2 planks of wood attached to each leg. I like to think i'm cool. but the surfer dudes say no.

In Byron there's loads of stuff to do if you can afford it. Went kayaking today which was cool. Paddling out to try to see some dolphins (they didn't turn up - I feel hurt and rejected) and paddling back in like crazy trying to ride the waves. Riding the waves is defined by Cat and I as getting spun over in the kayak, drinking lots of sea water and thanking God for the gift of the life jacket. Great fun.

I've attached some photos, take a peek. Notice the lack of pictures with me and my white skin. Tanning is a marathon not a sprint. Besides, brown skin is unhealth skin etc etc.

God bless,

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