My future plans

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November 9th 2017
Published: November 9th 2017
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I'm not one to post personal feelings/thoughts/things people can have opinions about on here. Because if you knew me you would know I hate conversations that end in bickering/judgements ex. politics. So, this is very hard for me to write.

But here it goes.

With my flights booked home I have been talking to more and more people back home. I keep getting the question 'well, what are you gonna do after vail?' 'What are your plans?' 'What're you gonna do with you degree?'

I get it. I have a 4 year degree from an amazing university. I get kicked off my parents health insurance soon. I need a full time salary job (preferably in Chicago). Yes, I'm a 23 year old nanny.

These conversations the past week or so have me waking up every morning asking too many questions.

"Why am I here?"

"Why am I a nanny?"

"Whats the point of this?"

"What should I be doing?"

I lay in bed questioning, and it leaves me unmotivated and exhausted. It's what I think about all day.

I know everyone cares and is just asking because they want me to keep them updated. So, I guess my answer to you is that I do not have an answer to tell you guys right now. I don't even have an answer for myself.

I recently finished the book 'You are a Badass' and I recommend everyone to read it! Here are two of my favorite quotes that I have highlighted:

"We only get to be in our bodies for a limited time, why not celebrate the journey instead of merely riding it out until it's over?"

"Surrender to what is. Say "yes" to life and see how life suddenly starts working for you, rather than against you."

Let's keep the feedback lighthearted, positive and motivating, please 😊


10th November 2017

OK with me
It's OK with me that you are experiencing the world like this. "You're young, only 23" is what I tell people who ask these questions. Good luck.
10th November 2017

Love you Madi!
That's what I love about you Madi! I hope this isn't targeted solely at me. I only ask "what's next" because I miss you and am selfish that I want to see you more often and share in fun times together. :)
15th November 2017

I failed!
Wrote an email and sent it to Is this no longer active ... or am I on your 'bad list'? Let me know and I'll resend. (I'm not as good a blogger as you) Love you Madi.

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