Here I come....Wellington?

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January 31st 2007
Published: January 31st 2007
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Hi everyone!

Yesterday was a pretty eventful day- aside from setting up my Australian bank account- I also got my placement for next week.

If I haven't already explained it- we are getting sent out to schools throughout the state (New South Wales) to "observe" and learn about Australia and the education system. It was a crazy process, but I am excited for my placement. I am going to Wellington! (As Brock mentioned earlier, from Wellington County to Wellington Australia!)

Its not technically "outback" but its pretty damned close- its about 6 hours NW of where I am now...

Upon signing up for this school, the teacher excitedly told me that there are 3 pubs. So as it stands, thats pretty much all I know about the place. I am going with Amy and Erin, my two new placement friends. We will be billeted by teachers at the school for the time, so it should be interesting! Erin's sister was one of the artists who did a mural in the South Student Lounge in Mountain Hall- small world eh?

*This might be an on if you dare....*
In other news, I have a bug issue. I can talk about it now, because I think its almost resolved. A day or two ago I noticed a lot of bugs crawling...ON MY SKIN! Its so disgusting. At first I wanted to vomit, and then I thought perhaps these little critters were the reason I won the trip, and were actually good luck charms. I checked my whole room and I think they are coming through the window- they are SUPER small and could crawl through a screen door. So I went to Bunnings (the Home Depot equivalent) and got some bug spray. I sprayed the hell out of the window and cleaned everythig thoroughly, so its looking good!

Last night I went to the pub again- I went for "toss" again which is the game I told yall about before...Toss starts at 5, and I didn't leave until 11:30.... is that considered a problem? There was a happy hour in there somewhere 😊 IT was good times, and a lot of the Canadians were there so its good. Hopefully we will start to mix it up with the Aussies when school starts.

Alright- thats enough! Have a good night!

PS- here TV is 6 months behind- so tonight I am watching the premiere of "Heroes" which is a show I wanted to get into but was too busy!


31st January 2007

Hey Adam, My morning routine now includes reading your travel blog. Keep it up or else i won't have anything to read ;) Bug story...tres nasty. I'm glad you got it taken care of. take care, Naresh
1st February 2007

I heart Adam
Oh Adam. Your travel blog makes me so happy! Sounds like everything is working out great for you, and I can't tell you how much I love reading about your adventures lol. as for the bugs... you are my hero for not packing up and leaving because that's probably what I would have done! Take care, and I can't wait to read some more installments of the Adam takes Australia saga. ;) ok, and see more amazing pictures. I wish I was on a sunny beach! SO jealous! Tracie
1st February 2007

bugs + adam = party?
Hey friend, don't forget that lost starts next wednesday, we should figure out at way to keep you updated with it!! let me know if you come up with any good ideas :) I am glad to hear all is well there, keep making friends will all the native bugs and animals and you are sure to make life long friends ;)

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