Baby Steps

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October 5th 2008
Published: October 5th 2008
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"The time has come," the Walrus said, "To talk of many things: Of shoes--and ships--and sealing-wax-- Of cabbages--and kings--"

At 27 years, five months and 24 days old, I'm FINALLY preparing to embark on my first around-the-world adventure!

I'm currently in the research-come-obsession phase of my trip and spending hour upon bleary-eyed hour staring at obscure websites, trying to figure out exchange rates, modes of transport and clothing choices.

The goal is a one-year adventure (to begin with) taking in SE Asia, China, Russia, Europe and the Americas. Even just typing that makes me all smiley with excitement! And I'll be doing it with less than 10 kilos of luggage, and with a small monkey named Marco who has kindly agreed to be my travelling buddy.

And I know that starting this blog five months before I leave may seem a little keen...


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