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October 2nd 2011
Published: October 5th 2011
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We had bought tickets to the Parklife festival which takes place each year in Moore Park in Sydney, with the vision of enjoying some live music in the sunshine. Unfortunately our visions were not to come to life, as we woke up to torrential rain!!

Ben prepared us breakfast bagels and then we made an emergency trip to the local mall to find some wet weather gear – 3 emergency ponchos’s, a cagoule for Jo, and a festival hat for Will and we were all set.

We had a couple of quick Southern Comfort and cokes to liven us up with the rain still hammering down outside, and Jo lined her Ugg Boots with plastic bags – yes that’s how bad the rain was!! We were then ready to party in the rain!!

Mandy gave us a lift into Moore Park where we were greeted with a $11 bar tariff for each drink – although this did include a $1 recycling fee, so if we returned our cups we would get a $1 voucher for our next trip – we quickly returned to our student days and started to harvest cups that others had dropped on the floor to cash in the $1 vouchers. Although there were others that made a cottage industry out of collecting cups, some cashing up to a value of $90!!

Highlights of the day included seeing Example, Sebastian, The Streets and Mstrkrft as well watching the festival goers making the most of the rain – one guy wearing a wet suit was entertaining the crowd diving into the muddy puddles and coming out head to toe covered in mud! The headline acts were a bit of a disappointment as we had to wait 40mins for Magentic Man to sort out ‘technical difficulties’! And Will nearly got to know the Australian authorities a little too well when he was told by a police woman to ‘put it away’ when watering the trees – Luckily there were enough other people watering the trees to distract the police woman and Will was able to make a quick escape!

The cagoule and festival hat both came in handy during the day, but at around 10pm we had danced our damp feet off and so headed home – of course passing Macca’s on the way.

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