On the Happy Bus to Nimbin!

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Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Nimbin
August 16th 2005
Published: December 24th 2005
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Got woken up by some loud annoying American girl telling Gerry about how she stayed in a haunted hostel in Tasmania...!! Good grief.

We decided to go to Nimbin, the hippie capital of NSW, on the "Happy Bus" with a dreadlocked driver called Fred who had great banter... First stop was at Nightcap National Park to see the Minyon Falls - quite impressive height-wise but not water-wise as they were barely more than a trickle! Still, the 'hinterland' that we drove through to Nimbin was absolutely beautiful. Nimbin itself is one long road of shops selling crystals, hemp clothing and weed. We sat in a cafe and chilled out and visited the 'museum' which is basically a history of the movement to legalise pot. Fred took us to meet a guy called Kenn who was completely stoned, lucky devil, and made us each pick a card and a 'thought for the day'. My card was 'the archer' about goals and aiming towards the right thing! Mmm, yep, perfect for someone who's given up a flat and a job to spend all their savings to go travelling. At the moment my goal seems to be to avoid goals at all cost.

When we got back to Byron we walked up towards the lighthouse but only got about half way as we decided the sunset was going to be crap anyway as it was too cloudy, and also Lucy had a date with her American lover back in town at 6pm! I ate with Gerry at the hostel and did some washing and just had an early night as I was knackered. One night out a week is obviously as crazy as I'm going to get!


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