New job.....

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Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Narrabri
November 1st 2010
Published: November 24th 2010
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The job that we went to was terrible. Well..... we don’t actually know what the job was like because we left before we started work (16 hours after arriving!). We arrived at the farm after driving for 7 hours and then had to leave the car at the end of the 16km dirt road that led to the farm because the ground was so wet the car would have been bogged down. The farmers wife came to get us in the 4x4 and we drove up to “the cottage”, killing a brown snake along the way. As we pulled up, a million things went through my mind, but mainly the thoughts of “RUN”!!!
The cottage was a shed, and as we walked in the smell of poo was overwhelming. There were mice and mouse poo everywhere, including all over the bed, the cooker, in the cooker, the kitchen bench, the sofa, in the shower etc. There was also the issue of bad electrics – you turn one light on and the rest of the shed went into darkness. One of the bedrooms (where 2 Irish guys were staying) had no electric at all. There was no hot water, the oven didn’t work, there were spiders (funnel webs) everywhere and dead things on the bed – creepy crawleys. There was also no lid on the drinking water tank outside, so goodness knows what dead animals were in there! But the water was a very funny colour. Basically it was yuck!! So we struggled through the night sleeping on a bed of poo and the 2 Irish guys sleeping tops-to-tail on the 2 seated sofa because their bedroom was so awful and then the following morning we got a lift with the Irish back to the car at the end of the driveway and legged it!!
So, back on the job search.

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