Still haven't left yet...

Published: June 10th 2013
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4 weeks from today & I’ll be sitting back enjoying a beer or red with sis, Chris & Tobes. The trip will be underway.

I accidentally dropped into Camping World today on the way home from the dog park. As luck would have it (you know how luck happens in three’s), I fell over, my wallet fell pen and I accidentally purchased some gear for a make-shift awning. And to cap of the three bits of luck I was having, I then accidentally got talking to the blokes in the shop about 4WDriving and they gave me some great tips n places to go South and West of Canberra. Hopefully I’ll have time to test out the new tyres/wheels on one of these tracks in the next few weeks.

The guys in the shop were great for their local knowledge and included a sneaky discount or two making sure I’ll return. For those in Canberra I’d recommend a look if you are after camping and outdoor gear.

I couldn’t resist testing out and taking a snap of the awning. I’ll use it mostly to sleep under, to avoid the dew and frost along the way. Apparently it gets down to around 7 degrees overnight during July, with the dew kicking in at 9.6 degrees. For less than $80 for the tarp, ropes, etc, I'm pretty happy. A lot happier than $399 for an Oztrail one :-)

That’ll do for now. I’m sure Suz said I am meant to do something today – washing the clothes, grocery shopping, walking the dog? Nah, surely she said “sit down, have a cider, check for camping/4WD bargains online, watch the footy and write on a blog that no-one will read” before she headed off for work. Yep, that was it!


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