A2 RIHLA #17

North America
February 10th 2013
Published: February 10th 2013
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1. Some of the reasons that books are banned in schools was for inappropriate contents such as sexual content or foul language and ideas parent don't want their children to be exposed to.

2. I can somewhat agree to banning books because they contain inappropriate contents because I can understand parents' intention to shield their children from swear words, violence and sexual contents unless they're old enough to be handle them. I disagree to banning book because of their ideas because people should decide for themselves what ideas to believe in.

3. No one should be able to decide what books are taught in school. Rather, the reader should choose the books for themselves.

4. One can fight book censorship by reporting censorships to A.L.A. or persuading public officials to prevent book censorhip by writing letters to them. He/ she can also participate in various community and national groups and participate in public hearings. As a last ditch option, one can also just reading all the suppressed books during Banned Books Week.


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