North America
February 21st 2012
Published: February 21st 2012
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• What are some of the reasons that books are banned in high schools?
• Some of the reasons high schools ban books is because parents dont argee on the books content, and what the books message is. some of the most common i found was, profanity, alcohol usage sexual activity at a young age, violance, and homosexual relationships.
• Do you agree with any of these reasons? Explain
• i personally dont agree with any of these reasons.
• What reasons do you NOT agree with (this means that you think high school students SHOULD be able to read about these topics). Why?
• i personally think high school students should read all of these topics. its what happend in the real world and they are definitely of age. its what most of us high schoolers are exposed to in a regualr basis wether it be in school of out. its reality. not only is it reality but the media also expresses this. therefore, i dont understand why parents make it such a big deal.
• Who do you think pressures teachers on what they should or shouldn't teach?
• i defintely think parents do pressure teacher and this book thing is definitely an example.
• If one wanted to fight against book censorship, explain at least one way in which they could do so.
• one way to do so id talking to your libraian and ask her are there any book a risk of being baned and if o what books. another question to ask her is if there are any support group and how you are able to join.


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