North America
February 20th 2012
Published: February 20th 2012
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Books are all around us and show the freedom of speech. They express many ideas and educate people. Despite their use, some people think that some of these ideas are too explicit for high school students. Some books are ban due to the sexual,violent, and extreme content they hold. Other reasons are related to the controversy of real life issues. Its hard to say what is good and wrong in this situation.

People who make these books have the freedom of speech while the other people who are against their work are concerned with their child. They have the right to keep this type of content away from their child. I disagree with the fact that these books should be ban to all.

These books show high school students issues that they should be aware of. They should have the freedom to know this type of content. They are old enough to learn and discuss about these issues. I feel like these books have helped me understand the concepts in class and think critically about them.

It's hard for the teacher to choose the books because they want to teach their content very well. In order to do so, the students need to sometimes read the "explicit content". The teacher needs to consider how the parent's feel and how the student feel's about the topic. Even though teacher's have a tough time with this issue, I'm pretty sure they have alternative readings for those who don't feel comfortable with the content.

If one wanted to go against censorship, they would have get inform by going to a PSA. They would have to share their ideas during these meetings. That way people know that they want to read these kind of books.


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