North America
September 24th 2011
Published: September 24th 2011
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1. How does this article relate to what we are learning in class?
In class we began adding about the different castes and how each of them them differ and the people in of them. This article describes some of the different castes.
2. Based upon the Hinduism/Caste System activity from class, how do you think people respond to the caste system in India?
I think people would be appalled by how the Dalits are being oppressed. Others would probably judge the Indian's beliefs and religion. Hopefully some would want to help make a change in the case system and India once reading this article.
3. How does the treatment of the Dalits (untouchables), relate to treatment of groups of people in United States history?
The way the Dalits are treated relates to the way colored people were treated in the past. This also compares to the way the Jewish were treated in Germany. These groups were discriminated against because in the past they were seen as the group that has always been discriminated, and the dalits are just discriminated because Jewish they were born I to that group like the colored and jewfish people.
4. What interested you about this article or what about this article causes you to ask questions? Please refer to specific evidence when possible.
I am very confused about how this has been able to go on for so long. There have been so many crimes and murders and the number is unelievable. There's even more than that because not all were reported.I am also cofused on how the Dalits were born with karma and a nad life.


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