Jasper to Lake Louise

North America
December 29th 2008
Published: December 29th 2008
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Funny thing about Jasper, that is the number of Aussie expats working in the area. The hotel we stayed in had only one Canadian working there. They were saying how little they were paid here, about $8 an hour. While Deb was in bed and I went around the town, I got a little cold and needed to stop for refueling - found a little tavern, sort of like our pubs and had a hot chocolate - I thought they might throw me out for not ordering alcohol, but they were very friendly.

This morning early we were picked up by the shuttle to travel down to Banff. We traveled down the ice field parkway which is one of Canada’s national treasures - it stretches over 230k from Jasper to Lake Louise and is one of the most spectacular landscapes I have ever seen (and I have seen a few) the parkway includes the Columbia Ice fields, Bow and Crowfoot Glaciers, Athabasca Falls and Peyto Lake and my awe and wonder continue. Our driver had a masters in environmental science and was an artist. He was incredibly communicative and was so helpful, stopping for us to experience the parkway and had a great connection with the wildlife, in particular the bears.

In Banff, we couldn’t believe how beautiful the town was - my sister Betty had talked about it, but it is only when you experience it that you really understand what people talk about. We traveled up the mountain on the Gondola and it was breathtaking in more ways than one, the temperature was around -30with wind-chill taking it to approx -45 (COLD) so you didn’t take off your gloves to take photos. Deb was out for about 3 secs and nearly died - took off her mittens and she swears she got frostbite! Lots of looking around the shops Bought some souvenirs for the family and everywhere we went, we ran into people we had met on the train, one lady Mirri, we found came from near home in Seaford. She had been traveling for about 4 months around the world - a lady not afraid to wear purple (she had a great hat). The hotel had a great big open fire. We were nearly asphyxiated by the chlorine in the spa. We were supposed to be picked up at 12.30, but we were forgotten, and they had to organize to pick us up at 1.40. During that time, we were talking to a man in the lobby who was getting married that afternoon, after wishing him well; we set off for Lake Louise. I can understand how it is deemed one of the most breathtaking areas in the world. Our first room had a great view of the rubbish bins, but they were great about changing us to a ‘room with a view’. Big comfortable room with a Christmas tree and feather beds (can understand John Denver’s Grandma’s feather bed song now). It is a huge and amazing hotel; you need a map to find your way around. We stopped at the Lakeview lounge which has the most photographed window in Canada and had champagne. The Christmas decorations are magical; we just walked around, had dinner, watched TV and went to bed.

Christmas Eve saw two very excited people waking up to a very busy day. I contacted home as it was Christmas day there, went for breakfast (which blew me away) so much food to choose from. There have been two weddings today and a couple got engaged and came to gingerbread house class - so Deb says this is ‘three weddings and an engagement’. Then off we went to Gingerbread house building/decorating. We had a ball; although I licked my icing covered fingers a little too often and felt quite sick from too much sugar. I donated mine to the staff at the concierge desk who have been so friendly and helpful. Deb found some other staff to also donate hers. This place is all about food! Santa arrived at 2pm, so I went to have my photo taken with him and Mrs. Claus for the grandchildren. At 4pm we went on a sleigh ride around the lake, it was beautiful, but chilly (no, it was freezing) another magical experience, back to shower and dinner. There was a carol singing in the lobby for a couple of hours, then a midnight service before Deb and I exchanged presents.

Today (Christmas day) has been just one feast after another a brunch with every form of food ever cooked (see photos). Talking to more interesting people. One, an artist from New Zealand who does some great works of horses and men in the snow, and the Melbourne cup this year. I needed the gym workout and swim and spa to make room for the formal dinner tonight, had great food and wine, now sitting quietly in the room, me typing this, Deb knitting a scarf.

Boxing day - more food, the breakfasts are huge here, then on to teddy bear building. The task was to find which type of teddy you would like to make, I would have liked to take them all home. I chose a pink cheerleader bear, and Deb chose a puppy in PJ’s.

Deb has been itching to get out on the lake to skate, but has been too unwell up to date. Today was her big day, her first real live lake skate. I decided to join her, although as you would know, my abilities in this area are below zero. Deb took off like a pro, I hovered near the fire waiting for some strong men to zoom me around! Deb tells me the ice was not in good form, I did not have a clue, it was wet and cold. I hung on to the ice castle and tentatively made my way around (only one fall on my B…) and then a kind Aussie male took me for a spin around the castle. That was enough for me! It was only when we returned the skates that I found I could have taken the cross country skis instead (I would have like to as it has been a year or two!!!) Later, we went on a tour of the hotel and found out its history. It is only from the turn of the century and has burnt down twice, so therefore its exterior looks quite new.

We had a very early start (27th caught the 6.45am shuttle to Calgary to catch our 1.30 flight to Hawaii via San Francisco. Well that flight left at 3.30 and we thought we would just make for our connection to Hawaii - however, our plane got stuck in a blackout in Hawaii and did not arrive till after 9pm (we were due out at 6.15). We arrived well after 1am and were exhausted. Today, just slept and ate

Additional photos below
Photos: 36, Displayed: 26


Hotel lobby in BanffHotel lobby in Banff
Hotel lobby in Banff

All the hotels have decorated for Christmas so well
Up the GondolaUp the Gondola
Up the Gondola

This is the view from one side of the Gondola as it climbs the mountain
A SundogA Sundog
A Sundog

Like a rainbow, this is called a 'sundog'. For all of you old enough to remember Gidget - the guy she liked was called 'moondoggie' same thing, different time of day. The sun is reflected off the snow
Pretend sleigh ridePretend sleigh ride
Pretend sleigh ride

found this in Banff shops and thought it would make a great photoshop opportunity to put the kids into a sleigh
time out!time out!
time out!

left gingerbreadmaking to meet Santa & Ms Claus - asked for the the grandchildren's christmas to be great

16th July 2009

Beautiful photos!
30th July 2009

Thanks for your comments, it was a magical trip - Christine

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