2023-3-1 Ensennada, Mexico

North America
March 7th 2023
Published: March 7th 2023
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">2023-2-15 Hawaii Trip DVD0

">2023-2-15 Hawaii Trip DVD 070300 1

">2023-2-15 Hawaii Trip DVD 070300 2

">2023-2-15 Hawaii Trip DVD 070300 3

">2023-2-15 Hawaii Trip DVD 070300 4

">2023 -2-15 Hawaii Trip DVD 0703005

">2023 -2-15 Hawaii Trip DVD 070300 7

2-24-2023 At Sea

10Am lecture on Great Operas set in Spain by Prof. George Weston

10aqm Hawaii Sea life :Turtle, Seals, and surfers by Sarron Faff

a)Hawaiian Monk seals: Endengered:

Hawaii Monk Seals chi co o Hawaii ma thoi. O Hawaii Islands Monkseals o hau het tai 136 dao cua Hawaii dac biet la Kuyrs Atoll, Midway Atoll, Pearl and Hemes Reef, Lisiamaki I, Laysan I, Maro Reef, Garner Pinnacles. French FrigateShoals, Necker I, Nihoa I, Kaui I, Niihau I, Oahu I, Hawaii I. Co tat ca 1,200 Monk Seals in Hawaii. Lifespan la 25 den 30 years. Ban ngay len bo de rest. Khong duoc lai gan de chup hinh vi so nguy hiem cho Seals. Ban dem xuong bien san moi. Moi nam co khoang 150 den 175 pups ra doi. Nhung Pups nay o gan me khoang 1 nam sau do duoc me dua xuong bien de tu dong san muoi.

b) Sea Turtles- Endanged; Co 2 loai sea turtles la Hawksbill
Turtle va Green Sea Turtle. Hawsbill Turtles co mo nhon de mo Sea Corals an, tren minh co nhung sot nho, con Green Turtles thi mo mem khong nhon va tren minh co nhung vay lon. Chi co 1 co sea turtles nho trong so 3,000 sea turtle con song sot den tuoi truong thanh. Do do Turtle de rat nhieu trung, trung binh khoang 180 trung trong nest va de 1 den 6 lan moi nam, cach 3 tuan mot lan. Trung se no trong vong 2 thang vat trung nay da so no ra con nho roi tu dong bo xuong bien va me no khong bao gio gap lai no, den khi truong thanh Female Turtle sau 8 den 15 nam se tro ve cho cu noi no duoc sanh ra de de trung nhu me no ngay xua. Chi co 1 trong 3,000 sea turles nho co the song den luc truong thanh. Female Turtle co duoi ngan con Male Turtle co duoi dai. Do la loi phan biet fenale va male turtles

c) Dolphins

Dolphin brain lon hon human brain. Dolphin de ra con cho khong de trung nhu Turtles.

d) Blue
Whale la largest mammal in the world. Co tat ca 25,000 con tren the gioi. Moi con dai tu 100 den 120 ft , nang 120,000 lbs va an 8,000lbs of food a day . Song tu 80 den 90 nam.Food gom co Krill va sardines. Blue Whale phun nuoc o 2 lo muoi tren lung cao den 40ft va co trai tim nang 1,000lbs va co 14,000 lbs blood. Ca voi con goi la calf nang 2,000lbs luc sanh ra, uong 200 gallons sua cua me moi ngay do do me ca voi can an nhieu de co sua cho con bu. Ca voi con uong 200 gallons sua ma khoang 52% la fat moi ngay den khi uong gan 37,000 lbs thi tu tu giam di va tu san moi.

Ca voi khi sanh ra khong co the tho duoi nuoc nen me ca voi phai dua ca voi con len mat nuoc de tho. Ca voi con khi sanh ra phai o nuoc am neu khong bi chet me ca voi phai boi tu Alaska ve Hawaii de sanh. Neu sanh o vung lanh ty le tu vong la 80% con sanh o vung nuoc am
ty le tu vong la 20%. Ca voi biet dieu nay bang kinh nghiem song. Luoi ca voi nang bang con voi. Cho hau mon cua ca voi goi la Genital Slit va noi day cung la noi sanh ra ca voi con cua ca voi cai do do khi ca voi ve Hawaii thi Genital Slit lon ra vi gan ngay sanh. Con ca voi duoc thi duong vat cung o vung nay va dai 6ft. Khi khong xu dung duong vat ca voi duc de vao ben trong. Grey whale thi di den Baja California con Blue Whale thi den Hawaii. Mua dong Whale o Alaska de kiem an Krill va Sadines co tu tuyet va bang. 7,000 hay 8,000 round trip tu Alaska den Hawaii. Whole life moi con ca voi di doan duong dai hon tu trai dat den mat trang.

30% cua body weight loss tu khi roi Alaska den khi tro ve tu Hawaii ca voi khong an gi vi o Hawaii khong co thuc pham gi ca. Ca voi chi co the giu toi da 400lbs thuc pham trong bao tu moi lan an. Ca voi khong co rang nen ca voi
khong the nuot va co hong rat nho bang trai cam nen ca voi chi an krill va sadines nho. Ca voi dung baleen dai 10-15inches de lay do an. Ca voi tho bang 2 lo muoi tren lung. Chi co Blue whale, Grey Whale va Humback whale khong co teeth con cac ca voi khac co teeth va whales khong co con gi an duoc ca voi. Ca voi tho bang lo muoi phan tren va nuoc thu lo muoi rat hoi. Than minh ca voi co bumps. Nguoi ta phan biet ca voi bang duoi ca voi. Neu co duoc ca voi goi hinh ve www.whale.com ho se cho biet tuoi va identify ca voi do vi moi ca voi co duoi khac nhau.

Ca voi boi day duoi len xuong ca thi day ngang trai phai. Tren dau co blowhole. Tren minh khap than the ca voi co bumps va moi bump co 1 hair . Hair nay sending messages to the brain.

Ca whale nhay len khoi mat bien bang cach dung mot cho roi phong len cho khong boi nhanh roi nhay len. Sau do nga xuong lung thay vi bung. Khi whale
den gan thuyen thi thuyen khong di ma cho whale di ra xa. Baby whale moi sanh nang 2500lb ,11 to 16ft long. Breath moi lan tu 4to 6 minutes. Baby drink sua chua 53%!f(MISSING)at before leaving Alaska baby has to gain 12,000lb. Baby gain 7lbs per hour, Mom nursing baby whale khoang 2,3 months. Mom can die to save baby. Humpback whale called when whale dives he bends half and have a hump.

Killer Whales like to kill sharks. They hunt like wolf.

d) Surfers

Duke la nguoi tien phong surfer o Hawaii vi the co hing ong tai cac bai bien o Hawaii. Cho Surf tot nhat Hawaii la o North Shore vi noi day bien rat yen vao mua he va rat cao vao mua dong.

121:15pm Lecture about The power of Picasso

Picasso la one of the most famous and influential artict of the 20th centery. He developed a variety of stypes includinh Cubism. He ceated more than 26,000 catalogued works of Art though is said to havemade over 50,000. He said every child is an artist, The problem is how to remain artist once he grows upain. He receiced
a first lesson at age 7. At age 9 he comlete fisrt artwork called Le Picador. Man riding horse dyring bull fight. He created sketch a torso at age 11. Sel portraind done at age 15.

Nam 1896 at age 15, (Sanh nam 1881, he passed entry exam to the Barcelona Academy of Arts. He enrolled at the Royal Academy of San Fernando in Madrid in 1897. He received fisrt communion nam 1895 at age 15. Self poretrait at age 18. Nam 1907 he created “Les Demosielles d’Avignon” changing the course of Modern Art.

His Arist Style is Categorized into 6 general periods:

1- Blue Period

2- Rose Period

3- African Period

4- Cubism and Synthetic Cubism Period

5- Syntehtic Cubism

6- Neoclassicaland Surreatism

Blue period: Number content and periodramatic totality influented by the decide of a close Casagemas. Isolated and alone by being placed in the middle of the canvas. Rose period: use of pink and red tones, sublect matter included actors, hartequines, acrobats people the he met. Representational atwork/ acting as an observer. African Period This is where Picasso leavesimpressionism behind

Analytic Cubism 1909- 1912: Cofounded the movement
alongside Georges Braque. Monochromatic colors or Grsailla Technicq1ue. Framented shapes. Cubism

Personal life : He was married several times and held many mistresses. He had 4 children with three women. He died on April-8, 1973 in Mougins, France ,at 92 years old.

2-25-2023 AT SEA

10AM Lecture on Mt Helens VS Mt Kilauea Volcano. Tai sao khong nen song o nui Helens ma nen song o nui lua Kilaunea.

Co 3 loai Volcano in the world: 1) Cinder Cone 2) Shield 3)Stratovolcano

1)Cinder Volcano chi co small explosives . Nolava chi co Cinder khong co lava 2) Shield Volcano Mostly lava with some explosives nhu o Hawaii va cac dao o Thai Binh Duong 3)Stratovolcano is Large explosives with some lava nhu Mt Helen. Diamond Head la Cinder Volcano voi hole on top khong phai big rock. Shield volcano nhu o Hawaii va Indonesia. Long shoulder voi gentle slope khong deep slope. Shield volcano come from hot spot noi ma magma phun len tu the mantle through the crust of the Earth. 25 active volcanoes hien co o Thai Binh Duong vi be day cua trai dat o do chi tu 2 den
6 miles con tren mat dat day khoang 20 miles. Hawaii Hot spots tao nen khoang 2 to 7M years. Khoang 100miles cross a sea floor. Lava comes out of water roi tro len mat nuoc khoang 19 miles deep, roi tao thanh islands roi islands biger and biger roi tao thanh nhieu islands khac ma dao chanh la Hawaii vi mieng nui lua tu day. O Hawaii co 5 ngon nui lua. Tu hot spot Volcanoes spread ve phia Tay Bac tao thanh dao Maui,roi den Molokai, Oahu, Kauai, Niihau va cac dao nho khac dot theo Pacific Plate always moving 4 inches a year. Cac dao nay tao thanh boi 1 hot spot goi la Hawaiian Hot spot. Volcano Lohii la new island dang duoc tao thanh, cach volcano Kilauea 18 miles . Volcano nay con dang duoc tao thanh cach day khoang 2000 nam va con o duoi mat nuoc no da troi len duoi long bien 17,000ft va cach mat bien khoang 2000ft va nguoi ta tuyen doan rang no can khoang 50 den 100 nam truoc khi nho len khoi mat nuoc. Dao nay lon hon dao khac vi so Lava day len tu long
dat nhieu hay it tuy vao so luong lava. Nhu dao Big Island duoc tao nen khoang 800,000 nam.

Lava comes out voi 2,200 do C. Khi Lava phun len mat dat chi cay tren duong di bi chay khong chay het khu rung. Sau do hat roi xuong cay lai moc len.Khi nui lua phun nguoi ta chi co the tien doan khoang 1 tuan va biet o dau. Lava chay cham tren mat dat. Nguoi ta co the den gan lava nhung co nhieu noi lava chay khoang 25miles per hour. Lava sau do chay ra bien tao nen dao lon hon.

Dao Hawaii tao thanh boi lava qua nhieu nam lava tube ben trong collapse va bay gio lam dao nho lai nhu dao Oahu phan nua da bi nho lai vi lava tube vo ra cong voi air bubble be lam dao nho lai. Dao Hawaii duoc 800,000 nam va la dao tre nhat, cao 14,000ft co snow on top. 2 ben dao co coral, co 100,000 lava tubes inside collapse in. Dao Kauai island duoc 5 million years. Some of lava is gone va coral built up around island. Midway island tao nen
28 trieu nam va island sinked down va coral cover on top of island va Midway nuoc lanh nen coral khong nhieu va gio lam coral tang cham nen nui nay flat.

What the lava made from? Kilauea make shield with 41.4% la silica la glass nhieu silica la nhieu gas nhieu silica thi nhieu gas. Cang nhieu gas thi cang it nong hon. 14.7 la Aluminum la iron

Stata la loai volcano nhu Mt Helen voi 61.5% la Silica. 17.6% la Aluminum.

Mt Fuji la Strata.Mauna Kea la Shield.

2-26-2023 At sea

9am Vienna, Austria: City of Dream

Vienna thu do cua Austria la Music capital cua the World.

10am History of Hula across the Pacific

The Hula dance bat dau tu dao Samoa. Rat kho mua dat nha cua o Samoa vi da so dat o day nam trong tay nguoi Samoa chuyen tay tu the he den the he khac. Gia dinh nguoi Samoa song gan gui voi nhau. Nha o day ngay xua flat roof bay gio sharp roof de bao tri hon. Gia dinh dong ho gather o can nha co roof ma phia duoi trong. Ho
den do de an uong de dance, meeting va noi practice dance of Hula. Nguoi in charge gia dinh goi la Matai hay Chief. Co the la dan ong hay dan ba. Neu chief lam nhieu viec tot thi doi non cao hon. Ho mac do khong co hoa, no fabric chi la vo cay. Khi vu ho dress up dung long thu.Ho dung trong lon. Dan ong dung cloth cuon tron eo cua ho. Dung Long thu tren dao ma khong la hoa. Roi cach day 2000 nam ho dung thuyen roi Samoa de tim den dao khac khong biet vi ly do gi de den dao Tahiti luc bay gio it nguoi o cach Samoa 800 miles. Co nguoi song sot den noi co nguoi lai den New Zealand la trong nguoi khong co mot vu khi nao de tu ve va ho tu ve bang cach son mat voi hinh du ton va le luoi de lam so nguoi doi dien. Do la su bieu lo trong dieu vu cua nguoi Maori Dancers. Mot so nguoi den Tahiti islands . Vi di den dao nay mot so it nguoi nen ho muon tao nen so dong bang
cach pho truong strick rule la sexual attractions. Ho mang theo trong nho vi trong lon kho mang theo. Trong nho lam bang palm tree, coconut tree. Ho mat do do rat don gian va sexsual display la chi cover phan kin ngay ca dan ba. Luc bay gio khong co flower. Cho co shells, feather. Ho cot lai voi toc cua ho.

Roi khoang 1000 AD hay nam 1800 ho lai di tim mot vung dat moi khac cach Tahiti 2,400 miles ve huong Bac di qua duong xich dao den nhung dao khac do la Hawaii vi dao Tahiti luc bat gio dong nguoi.Ho dung canel cho khoang 30,40 nguoi tren moi chiec. Ho mang theo du dung cu huong dan. Mot so nguoi den noi mot so nguoi chet. Den noi ho thay volcanoes va ho cho rang noi day co strong gods. Cuoi cung ho den day cach day 1,000 nam. Ho lap nhieu luat le va lap ra War Gods la temples. Luc dau Dance thi chi cho dan ong ma thoi de tao suc manh tu Gods. Dance thuong cho chief. Ho khong mang theo drum vat hay the bang Uli cam bang
tay. Dan ong dance Kajiko Hula. Dan ba thi dance Wahiki dan ong dance Kahiko Hula. Tu day ho co kingdom ten la King Kalakauua. Hula bat dau thay doi quan trang phuc.

1Pm Do you know?

The fist Howard Johnson’s Motor Lodge opened in 1954 in Savannah, Georgia.

During the 1990s pioneering online service AOL spent $300M on Free software CDs

In 1927, the first refrigerator to see widespread use was the General Electric Mopnitor Top. It got its name for its resemblance to the gun turret on the warship USS Monitor from the 1860s

The mini- skirt was brought to worldwide attention in 1965 when model Jean Shrimpton wore one at the Melbourne Cup in Australia.

The fisrt Mc Donald opened in 1953 in Pheonix, Arizona. Mc Donald is the world Largest chain of hamburger fast food restaurants serving 68M customers daily in 119 countries.

1964 the Ford Mustang came out the first model.

HolidayInnla the world largest motel chain started in 1952

I love lucy is the most influential television show in history started in 1951

1950 Dinners Club I ntroduced the first platic card.

2-27-2023 At sea

Thuyet trinh ve Ensenada.

Mexico is called Cinderella of Pacific, 557,000 poeples and 20 pesos=$1

2-28-2023 At sea

10am Chef cook on stage

6:30Pm Captain announces that the ship will arrive Enseneda< Mexico at 6Am for Immigration and the guests will not allow to get off the ship. The ship will leave at 10am for Loa Angeles. The reason for the change is because of weather condition.

3-1-2023 Ensenada, Mexico

Du thuyen den Ensennada luc 10pm nhu de Imigration inspection nhu loi Captain. Tuy nhien khi dehn noi thi den 11am captain annouce that du khach co the xiong thuyen den 4Pm. Do do toi xuong thuyen luc 12pm vva did en downtown choi mac dau troi behn ngoai mua lam ram. Den 3pm toi tro ve lai tau.

Du thuyen van con o port den 12am moi roi ben.

3-2-23 Los Angeles

Du thuyen den San Pedro luc 9am.

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