Drive, Drive and Drive some more

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North America » United States » Wyoming
July 26th 2005
Published: July 27th 2005
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The mountains and trees in Montana. Driving here is sometimes more challenging than the BC Rockies.
Today was a big drive day. We left Idaho as early as possible (waited long enough for the sun to be out of our eyes). We blazed through Montana and ended the day in Sheridan, Wyoming.

We were surprised by the terrain in Montana. We both thought it would be relatively flat, but it has lots of peaks and valleys which combine for an exciting ride of climbing and coasting in and around a lot of mountains. It wasn't until late in the afternoon that we got to some straight roads.

Part of the fun of travelling in places that you have never been before is stopping along the way for coffee and bathroom breaks. We learned that Montana has a casino in almost every town along the I-90. The only one that did not have one was a ghost town. I guess not even a casino can save a town. A casino in these small towns is really only about five VLT's in a bar. Not quite what we're used to.

We stopped for coffee and a pit stop in Bearmouth, Montana and learned that our timing was again a little off to participate in another fun
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The Testicle Festival in Bearmouth, Montana. aka Prairie Oysters, apparently a delicacy in this part of the world??
filled local festival. The road stop that we picked hosts the Annual Testicle Festival. No Jokin... got the picture to prove it! Even if our timing was good, I am sure that we would have only left with coffee!!! Bearmouth is a rough and tumble town. The "Ladies" room had no doors on the stalls and a spittoon on the vanity.

The rest of the drive was relatively calm compared to that. It is easy to see how Montana and Wyoming have earned the nicknames "big sky country". Lots of rolling hills, fields, livestock and ranches spotted across the landscape. Tomorrow we say good bye to Wyoming and head into South Dakota. Stay Tuned....

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Big sky vistas.... in every direction that you look.

27th July 2005

You will soon have to start cutting north or you will be at the bottom of Lake Michigan. Trip sounds wonderful, good to hear that you are enjoying yourselves. Glad you stuck to coffee only.

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