Getting Ready

Published: May 30th 2012
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We are getting ready for the big trip. There are many tasks to complete before we leave. We have discussed suitcases, carry-ons, books and other entertainment for the long plan rides, and gifts, gifts, gifts! It seems that we will be taking plenty of gifts along with us such as candies, lotion, and other fun things to share with the people we meet in China. We think we have everything we need purchased for the trip and now our attention turns to packing. How do you pack for a long trip and keep every suitcase under 45 pounds? We are trying to pack only what is needed and hoping that we can wash clothes on our trip. I just keep thinking that I will pack as best I can and well whatever I forget, I guess I didn't really need after all, or maybe I can purchase it in China. I want to keep the stress level low as possible to the lead up to the trip, so I try not to worry about what to pack and how to pack, I think it will all work out fine. I have made a list and it looks complete and soon I will see if I can pack everything on the list and stay under 45 pounds.

The other members of the family are also preparing, each in their own way. B has many lists and post-it notes and G has fallen in love with the Nook we bought for the trip. Good thing she likes to read off the Nook because I would have had to pack 100 books for her for the trip! The big Barney dog will be at Camp K-9 part of the time and then off to my mom and dad's house for awhile.

We have decided not to use our full names in this blog, so if you know us then the letters should give you a clue as to who I am talking about in my entries, and oh yeah, this is K doing the blogging.

It gets exciting the closer it gets! G will be returning to her place of birth and B and I will be going back to the place where we became parents. A profound trip for us all to be sure!


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