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April 21st 2008
Published: April 22nd 2008
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Here we are. Our last venue. And we couldn’t be more tired. This morning we did a school show, and the kids looked like they were about to fall over! Then load out, and a drive, and load in. At a not-so-accommodating union house. Lots of non-communication before, not so much miscommunication, just things no one was told. And to make things more fun, the bosses decided we should record tomorrow’s show! Oh my. More details to come, but words are not coming (see yesterday.)


22nd April 2008

Keep up your blog!
We decided that you should comtinue to blog when you get home so that we can keep up with what you are doing. The last few months have been fun hearing about all the things you are learning and how much fun you are having! So when you get home Thursday, get some sleep and then get back to blogging!!!!
23rd April 2008

Sound effects
To tired to pop, bing-a -ding whirl grind crash... That's o.k. we will see you soon. Dave

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