RIHLA of Spring Break!

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April 7th 2013
Published: April 8th 2013
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Dear Journal,

At this point, my spring break is over. However, I have had a good time. The first weekend of spring break my family and I went to Wisconsin to sleep over my aunt's house. Why you might ask, because the day after we were going to visit a museum! This museum isn't new to me because I have seen it once before when I was about eight years old with my dad and brother. On the other hand, my mom, two sisters, and niece had never seen it. Therefore, my dad thought it would be perfect for a family trip. So, we planned to spend the night before at my aunt's house because it was closer and then leave the morning after. But, my father found out about s cave tour that sounded interesting. We ended up going to the cave tour first. At the cave tour, I experienced being inside a cave for the first time. This was the kind of cave made of lime stone. It's beautiful. At one point I got claustrophobic but other than that it was fun. I was cave kissed. Caves produce water to make stone and when the water falls and hits you, that means it kissed you which is why I say I have been cave kissed. After that, we left to get a meal then we went to THE MUSEUM! It was as beautiful as I remember. Unfortunately, we got there a little late so everything was rushed, but in the end we enjoyed it. There was a room which was the Infinity Room. It's a room with windows. When you look out of the windows, you were the tops of trees! It's amazing! We were high above the ground. It was funny because my mom was freaking out. Then when someone would walk or stomp, the whole thing would shake! I thought it was cool while my sister was yelling out "Monica, stop it!" Then we moved to the next section of the museum which was the whale and the octopus! This room has a whale and an octopus fighting in the ocean. This room and the fight was as big as our school! Of course it wasn't a real fight but it looked very realistic. It was beautiful. My niece, on the other, hand cried. But she enjoyed the section after that which was the music. There were stations where there were instruments set up to play. However, they would only play if we had two tokens, which we did. My favorite one was the one that played the Nutcracker. This section had a statue of a loin and a lioness pulling a carriage. It was beyond gorgeous! Then, that was the end. Unfortunately, that was the most fun part of my spring break. Oh, and Easter. I got anklets and candy! Yum. Today I finally got some good gym shoes for soccer, too. Another fun part of my spring break was soccer practice in the morning. As much fun as I had, I had lots more fun at the museum! It wouldn't have been fun without my family though.

-Monica J. Vargas


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