In transit

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February 17th 2011
Published: February 17th 2011
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transit west

I'm off. I've had a very bad cold for several days but today feels more residual than active. I'll know if that's true somewhere over the Pacific.

Today's route is a flight to Seattle, a long haul to South Korea, and a final leg to Cambodia. I hope it works, and I'm prepared with clothes, snacks, an inflatable pillow, books, a computer, and an alprazolam in case it doesn't. In fact, I have everything but my cold weather stuff sack for Seoul, my shower zories, and a baggie of toiletries in my backpack and shoulder bag; my suitcase is filled with books. Nobody at the Korean Air counter gasped in dismay at the 50-minute transfer KA gave me for Seoul.

I'm still working out some gigs and activities. I'll post an overview when it's a little clearer. I'm not feeling very sparkly right now.

I decided not to spend my remaining $11 credit at Borders, assuming they won't have folded by my long layover on the way home. The Ex Officio store has some nice long-sleeved travel shirts I may look at more closely as well.

Current audiobook on the iPod: How I Killed Pluto and Why It Had It Coming.


17th February 2011

Safe travels, Shoshana! Say hello to Cambodia for me - how lucky you are to get back there!
17th February 2011
Shoshanna, Sorry to hear you're not up to your usual "sparkly" self.:) I have been sick all week too....actually since last weekend. "This too shall pass." Anyhoo.... I look forward to seeing your posts. No doubt you will have some AMAZING things to share. Take care and be safe. Lucretia

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