Just Three Weeks Til Departure...

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August 22nd 2008
Published: August 22nd 2008
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North to Alaska 2008

Documenting our 2008 Golden Princess RT Seattle to SE Alaska22 August 08 at home in SLU, Seattle WA

Seattle at Twilight From West SeattleSeattle at Twilight From West SeattleSeattle at Twilight From West Seattle

Seattle at Twilight from West Seattle
We'll be heading north to Alaska just three weeks from tomorrow. Suitcases are sitting ready to be filled, so guess that I had better get on with it (some things have been in them for weeks, but now I really need to get serious about it). I've picked up all of the electronics that I need to support the photography/videography plans that are in place, just so that I won't need to worry about not having enough memory cards with me.

The group that we will be "traveling with" is a pretty mixed one.....a couple of couples from Texas, one from Cali and one from Vegas have appeared on the roll call so far. Looking forward to meeting them in person after several months of electronic communication.

The weather both here and in Alaska has been odd this summer, so I'm not totally sure what we will be in for in a couple of weeks. Hopefully calm seas, and reasonable temps. Don't really mind if it rains, but might mind if it snows a few feet...LOL.

I'll probably be back here one or two times before we actually leave, then start my "live from...." blogging on embarkation day.

See all y'all then.

Note that I love the little map thing. Even though I am three stories below where it is, that little balloon is directly on my apartment. Too cool!


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