Sleepless in Grungy Seattle

North America » United States » Washington » Seattle
May 16th 2007
Published: May 16th 2007
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Hi there As we have not really observed anything particularly new or interesting in Canada since our last installment, our observations this time relate to what we experienced on our recent trip across the border into the US. - Fast food diet. The number of overweight people we noticed in the US was significantly more than what we have seen in Canada. We were expecting to find a large number of... Read Full Entry

Photos are below
Photos: 53, Displayed: 21


Monorail monorailMonorail monorail
Monorail monorail

sing with me
Emma overlooking SeattleEmma overlooking Seattle
Emma overlooking Seattle

From up the Space Needle
Experience Music ProjectExperience Music Project
Experience Music Project

A very interesting looking building
Music museumMusic museum
Music museum

Gene Simmons, looking good in his get up (unfortunately they wouldn't let us take any more photos)

99 billion sold (he he Jerry Seinfield)
Seattle Grace HospitalSeattle Grace Hospital
Seattle Grace Hospital

Some of you may recognise this building as the hospital off Grey's Anatomy but in reality it is just a tv/radio station.

19th May 2007

We do read it
Thanks for your travel blogs. Your Dad Emma sends them on to us I think. It is put on the notice board and people read it at their leisure. It sounds as if you're having a great time of it all. School's going well. I don't know if Janine has left for England yet, she's still waiting on her Visa last I heard, but her replacement Toni is fitting in well. No other changes at the moment - I think we have had enough for a while. Take care Margaret
20th May 2007

Hey there
Yes guys of course we always read your blogs!! They are just fabulous and even better to look through when working night shifts!! Only 5 more weeks however of that to go guys as I have a new job working in the community 8.30 - 5pm Mon- Fri. As you can imagine Gary, Adam is very pleased about this!! No more sleeping through the day. Well as for life here theres not too much to report, we are off to Wellington for the week on Wednesday to the Motorsport Awards! Not too much else happening otherwise. Take care and keep us posted.
20th May 2007

I also read it..
I think that your travel blog is bloody great! And you got me on the lazy bit for leaving comments.. I hope to catch you on MSN sometime for a yarn - that is when Windows Vista isn't being a bitch (just upgraded and damn it's a pain in the ass) Just finished doing stocktake at the warehouse here myself - done about 70-80 hours in last 6 days, absolutely shagged! Anyway keep up the updates and the great photo's!
20th May 2007

oh my god! the final EVER episode of Gilmore Girls?? I didnt even know it was ending!! what happens?
25th May 2007

Hi just to say we are still alive in scotland sounds like you are having a blast talk soon amy and Michael
26th May 2007

The followers
Great to share your journey. You certainly seem to have done your homework well and know exactly what you want to see and do. I didn't realise how vast your music knowledge was. Do you realise that someone tags along behind on your journeys, stopping at the towns along the way too, via google earth, so these stay at homes can feel a wee bit involved. Connor gets to see the bears you hunt out Emma. Keep it up, and keep having fun. Of course Gareth you know on your return you will be expected to speak with many sentences, as we know you have a good command of language!

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