There and Back Again: Judy from Vancouver to Seattle to Olympia

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May 18th 2008
Published: June 2nd 2008
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Judy overnighted on the 17th with former debating buddy Vicky Yehl. You might have seen Vicky on a recent segment of the Discovery Channel, all about mining for diamonds in the Canadian north! She gave Judy the backstory about which apparently hardworking site was about to go bust, and which guys were competent geologists and which ones weren't... the two of them had a lively visit, brunched with Vicky's beau and fellow geologist Derek, and Judy climbed back aboard the Cantrail bus for a five hour jaunt (90 minutes of which was spent waiting to clear the border with all the other tour buses) back south to Seattle, a kind pickup by friend Moya (who fought her way through post-Mariner traffic to the Amtrak depot to reunite Judy with the rest of her luggage), and a just-in-time leap onto the Capital Airporter shuttle at 5:05 pm that got Judy to Olympia around 6:30 pm.


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