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July 13th 2008
Published: July 13th 2008
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Welcome to my Travel Blog! I've recently returned from a month in Italy and France, and it's now time for me to kick my preparation for the fall semester of junior year in India into high gear.

The objective of this blog is to provide information to my family, friends, or even other travelers about my experience from my pre-trip preparations, through my 4-months stay, to my trip with my grandma and Charlie, ending with my post-trip reflections. The blog will also hopefully include pictures, and there is the opportunity to leave comments sharing news from home or observations about my trip as well. (Please note that the comment is likely a public, not a private feature.)

(Addition Family Disclamer: At this point, I can't guarantee the success of this blog as a means of communication from me to you. In India, I will be at a new school, with a new host family and friends, and my first priority (beyond contact with my immediate family at home) will be adapting to a new culture, language, classmates, and family life in my host home. My life in India is not a vacation with leisure time, but rather an opportunity for me to study and volunteer abroad. If the blog becomes scarce this likely indicates that I've found success in my life in India and I'm immersed in my experience (and homework). On the subject of homework, on top of my SYA and Hindi work, I've decided to maintain my study of French and Chinese while in India adding to an already ambitious work load. Access to the internet will be another important factor that will determine the depth of this blog, so I will just have to wait and see how this goes...


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