Catching Up from Utah

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August 9th 2011
Published: August 10th 2011
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My last post was last week...five eventful days ago. Tonight, as we relax in beautiful Moab, Utah I thought I would attempt to update my travel blog and capture all the details. Well, at least the ones I can remember.

We ended up skipping Crystal Hot Springs to get into SLC a bit earlier. We were both excited to arrive and begin the family weekend celebrating Jim's mom and dad's 50th anniversary. Friday, we ran a few errands, had some dry cleaning done, ran to Target for a few last minute party supplies and then went out to my in-laws to see everyone. We had a nice dinner outside at a restaurant called La Puente, best known for smothered burritos. Jim and I both ordered cold Coronas but because we sat outside, the manager came running outside and said he wasn't able to serve outdoors - damn Utah liquor laws!!

On Saturday, we got up extra early to make more visits. We started the day in downtown SLC at the big open-air farmer's market at Pioneer Square. Aisles and aisles of vendors, fresh fruits and vegetables, arts and crafts. It was a great way to see the locals in action and we shared a dish of pad thai for breakfast. Weird, I know! But it was so good!!

We ended up at my in-laws for a quick visit before Jim drove me to meet my sister in-law Steph for a hot stone massage. She had visited Ventura a few weeks before and we had hoped to go for a massage, but never got around to it. Steph has been seeing this particular masseuse for a while and I can totally see why. Peter was amazing! This was my first hot stone massage and it is my new favorite thing! After the 90 minute massage, we visited for a little while as we waited for Jimmy to pick me back up.

We had dinner at the Pub at Trolley Square and then went to my in-laws as my brother and sister in law arrived with their kids all the way from Seattle. The kids have grown so big! Sunday was the big party - 50 people for a bar-b-que in the park. It was a ton of work, but the event was so special. Jim took a full family photo with all of us - over 30 people! I know we will treasure these memories for years to come.

Monday was my most stressful day - my mom's surgery was scheduled for that afternoon and all day, I felt like my head and my heart were elsewhere. The surgery went really, really well. She had to arrive at 2:30 with the surgery scheduled to begin at 4:30. A little over 2 hours later, it was all done. Her surgeon was very pleased with the outcome of the surgery and said we would all know more in a couple of days. She was in her room by 10pm and my dad and brother went home for the night.

By 6am this morning, she called my dad to check in. He said she sounded tired, but relieved to have the surgery completed. Her surgeon had a full day in the O.R. today, so when I spoke with her later in the morning, she hadn't seen him and wasn't sure if she would today. All in all, we are thinking it was a huge success and now we are on to the chemo in a few weeks.

The hardest part for me has been to stay present and focused on the family obligations here in SLC when my attention was obviously elsewhere. The last conversation before she went to the hospital was awful, but I know it was just my imagination running wild.

So we are now in Moab and have a few days to smooth our feathers. Tuesday next week we will be back to reality. We both are homesick for our house and our garden...but the next few days promise to be beautiful and fun!


10th August 2011

Dena Queen-ah of Moab
Healing heartfuls of soothing thoughts are emanating toward you and your family. We are proud of you.

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