The Weeks are Ticking By Fast

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April 30th 2018
Published: April 30th 2018
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Week 14 April 29 The weeks are ticking by fast and the end seems very near - not in any eschatological sense, but nevertheless in a very real way. We have had our final class, as well as our last faith sharing session and, on Monday, we will hear about ‘Life after Sabbatical’ (Jim Myers SSP). During the week we had another lecture from Bryan Silva (Addictions and the Celibate Life) and several from Rodolfo Luna on 1st Letter of John. Rodolfo is a layman, a scripture scholar, recently arrived from Peru. English is not his first language, but this did not stop him sharing interesting insights with us. Fiesta continues in full swing. Some joined in the activities downtown, such as the Battle of the Bands and the Street Parade, while others were content with TV. On Saturday evening we celebrated the last birthdays, Bob’s and David’s. While the celebrations were no less joyous, there was some sense of finality, especially as Annette will be leaving before our retreat next week. Not having yet visited the famous Alamo site, I was delighted with an invitation today to do so; another thing on my bucket list has, consequently, now been ticked off!

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30th April 2018
Fiesta decorations on nearby house

End times
Certainly a fiesta of experiences,people,places,events. Hope the insight you gained fills you with joy and renewed faith.God bless ,Rosemary .

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