Holy Week

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March 26th 2018
Published: March 26th 2018
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Today is Palm Sunday and marks the beginning of Holy Week. During the past week our input focused on Mary, (Joe LaBelle OMI) Intercultural Dynamics(Sally Gomez-Jung) and Amoris Laetitia (Roger Keeler OMI). For me the latter was the highlight and what surprised me most of all was that our presenter, a canonist, breathed such life into this exhortation! On Monday we had a community outing to Johnson City, the former home of LBJ, where much US history has been preserved and various parts of LBJ’s life, and that of his wife, Ladybird, can be viewed. The ranch is a magnificent property and has been lovingly preserved. LBJ emerged for me as a far greater man than history officially records and Ladybird, too, appears to have made a fine contribution. On Saturday I had the opportunity to visit the San Antonio Botanical Gardens. Now that spring has come, this was the perfect time to visit. The well laid out 38 acres invite exploration, as three Texas ecosystems, meadows, pineywoods and brush country present themselves. Flowers of every hue and colour bloomed in profusion, while several conservatories housed the more exotic species. A one acre lake completes the site. Today is Palm Sunday and Holy Week begins. A group of us celebrated this special day with another mariachi Mass, this time at San Jose, the biggest of the five missions. Originally all were Franciscan and today they are still in Franciscan hands, operating as very lively parishes. This Mass, while also in the mariachi style was different from last week. Different instruments were used: still several guitars, but no violins or trumpets; instead there were two harps. Also today there was a full-throated women’s choir. The choir and many of the congregation wore red, obviously a tradition here, while the Cross was also draped in red. Easter 2018 promises to be different and culturally rich. Easter blessings to all!

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