No work today

Published: January 29th 2005
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At the beachAt the beachAt the beach

Relaxing on South Padre Island
No work today so we walked out the Island Fields road. It is a dirt road with grass growing up the center. Along the way we pass several resacas, large pond-like areas in the stream. The level of water is going down. They were not very full to begin with. Th ducks and other shore birds like the shallow water. As we aproach it is like they can either hear or see us coming. They take off before we get there. We try sneeking up, but still they squawk and fly off.

We decided to extend our walk a bit and circled around Kidney Pond. It too is very low o­n water and it is filled with green duckweed. We searchd for alligators, but found none. We did find a pile of feathers from some poor bird that became some critter's dinner.

The walk was two hours. We had seen a few white-tail deer run through the tall grass and lots of birds. Back at the Outpost, Kathy showered off the chiggers and Will prepared breakfast. We had our usual- half an egg, half a grapefruit, half an orange, and a bread product. Todays bread was a roll up with jelly.

Merril joined us and we sat sipping coffee and talking of this and that and then more of this and something else. The morning slipped away and Merril went to lunch. Will worked o­n the new computer shelf for the Road Trek and Kathy worked o­n journals, pictures and the website updates.

We drove into Harlingen and made a stop at the Home Depot to pick up a few things for the computer shelf Will is designing. Then we stopped at the Walmart for groceries. It was dark as we headed for home. Pizza for dinner. Nell was the movie before bed. Great movie by the way.


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