Something New

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September 2nd 2011
Published: September 9th 2011
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Take a look at her bed behind her, her clothing, the food on the table..she could really use something new.
Since I came back to the USA about 6 weeks ago I have said the phrase, "I got something new", with excitement, (because who doesn't like getting something new?!) to my sisters, my mom, or anyone that would listen. I got new shoes for my growing boy. I got him some new clothes. I got myself a couple new shirts. I need a new house (doesn't have to be new) and a a new car (not brand-new but new to me) and all those things to start our lives in the USA. These are common things we hear around here..."I need something" or "I got something".

Then, I am reminded of a different perspective of what is needed when my dear friend Christine who runs HOREC orphanage writes to me. She has sent me two letters since I left that she too got something new. She got two new little girls that have joined them at HOREC. Baby Lynette and little Anastacia. She wasn't planning on any new kids as she has to work endlessly to keep things running for the 30+ children that she already has under her care. However, she has a soft heart and when she meets

At almost 2 years of age Lynette has just gained enough strength to start walking on her own. She arrived at HOREC like a little wilted flower. She has started to bloom under their care.
these tiny treasures that literally have NO ONE else to care for them, she can't say no.

Wow, her new things are going to bring her so much more work and so much more joy and fulfillment than my new things. And probably a lot more expenses as well.

So, I am going to skip buying anything new for awhile and make a donation to HOREC. If you also want to make a donation to HOREC orphanage to help get something new for their little girls that have come with nothing, that would be great!

Please make your check out to:
23223 S. Warmstone Way
Katy, Texas 77494

* add a sticky note for HOREC's new little girls.

Thank you!


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