4 months & 17 days....

Published: May 26th 2006
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Romania Mission Team 2005Romania Mission Team 2005Romania Mission Team 2005

This is everyone at Camp Joy in October 2005.
....until a group from Apalache Baptist Church departs travel to Romania for a mission trip. We are all excited about the work we will be doing there. Our current plan is to work in the Village of Ghida building houses for the Romanian gypsies. We will also have a group doing daily bible camps/studies with the children. We really want to be a blessing to the Romanian brothers & sisters. We will probaly get to go back to the orphanage & to Camp Joy this year.

This is my third year that I get to go on a mission trip to Romania. I am so excited!! This year, I am even more excited because the Lord has laid it on my husbands heart to be involved this year and to travel to Romania. This will be his first time traveling anywhere outside of the states.

Tomorrow we are sending out our support letters. We need to have a good portion of our money raised by the end of June. We know that the Lord will provide for us; just as he always does. We have to put our Faith in Him.


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