May7 Toms Run, PA to James Frye Shelter, PA 11.2 miles

Published: May 15th 2009
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Rain stopped sometime after midnight, sun peeking through the clouds and birds singing woke us up around 6:30AM. Lazed about packing up and doing breakfast. While the oatmeal cooled, CC and I were sitting at the picnic table. Out of the corner of my eye I caught fast movement off to my right. At first I thought maybe one of the Bumblebees in the area. Then a flash of bright red ruled that out. Not just fast but the thing was abnormally quiet. It banked hard left and came to a hover behind CC head. She was wearing her red hoodie. It turned out to be a Ruby Throated Humming bird checking out what it thought to be a real big flower. Soon enough it figured things out and was off as quickly as it came.
Hit the trail just before 9AM. Starting out was a challenge moving through all the water running down the mountain and trail, making the trail impassable. We jumped, dodged, dived, sprang and tripped our way down the mountain trying to avoid all the water. There was a short shower that caused us to throw our rain jackets on, but it was short lived. We made the first 3.7 miles before 11:30AM and were sitting at the Pine Grove Furnace State Park store. Famous for the 1/2 gallon challenge. Being just at the half way mark tradition has it you need to eat a half gallon of ice cream in one sitting. The store was closed so we did not partake in the challenge. We will do the pint challenge in Duncannon on Sunday. The rest of the day was great and sunny, made the shelter by 3PM.
We settled in and did our normal spread out and get comfortable. We were just finishing supper and a hiker came up the trail. "Calling Card" another northbounder in for the night, he had done 27miles today. As we talked he said there were three or four other guys behind him all headed here. Now for the first time this year we have other long distance hikers here tonight. These guys are fast movers who left GA mid to late February and one guy started in March. Now it's 7:45PM lots of trail talk and good times are being had by all.

Patrick, Deborah Mooney aka OD & CC
All Who Wander Are Not Lost


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