15 More Days

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September 18th 2005
Published: September 18th 2005
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Eurotrip 2005

Wilkes Barre, Pennsylvania.... 4 weeks around ireland... flying to edinburgh, taking train to london, flight to italy, back to london then back home to pennsylvania.

THe GirlsTHe GirlsTHe Girls

Jen, me, Bev my roomies in the United Kingdom.. =)
Only 15 more days until me and the girls leave for Ireland, London, Scotland, and Paris. I guess it just really has not hit me yet. I will definately miss everyone back at home, especially Zach =(.. At least i get to spend my last few days with him.
So far i have torn my room at college apart, I am going home tomorrow to drop off some belongings due to the fact we cant keep our stuff at campus until January 2006. Grr.. O well.
I got my passport, my national trust pass and all that good stuff i need. not takin as much money as i would like but i guess it will have to do.
I finally conned my mother and her fiance to taking me to the Baltimore/Washington Airport. That really made me happy. The plane leaves at 5:55pm from BWI and we will be transferring in Philadelphia at around 6:30 or something like that. We then have an overlay of about 2 hrs and around 9:55 i beleive we leave for Shannon ireland, we wont arrive there until 8 in the morning, but thats because of the time difference. We will only be on the plane
THe Girls againTHe Girls againTHe Girls again

Me, Jen and BEv I love you guys!
for 5 hours which is not that bad at all, especially when ill probably be sleeping most of the time (I hope).
I still have to pick up some belongings before i go, but thats it. Other than that im ready. Only 2 more weeks. Im so excited.. There is only one thing i ask of everyone going on this trip, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE LEAVE YOUR DRAMA AT THE DOOR!!. DRAMA will not be tolerated =) Thank you. PLease make this trip pleasent. Its hard enough ill be without my boyfriend for 7 weeks, but ill get by, I Love you Zach, ill call you as much as i possibly can.

Itinerary is as follows:

-Arrive Shannon Airport 8am, take a bus to our apartment for the next 4 weeks in Tralee, Ireland. We will be living in 4 person apartments, completely stocked with a kitchen, and bathroom, and pots and pans and all that good stuff. 2 people per bedroom, lots of room, and a living room and lots of closet space, Will definately be needed.
*in the time we are in ireland i hope to see the cliffs of moher, tons of castles, i really want to go to a mideivel(sp?) dinner of some sort, and of course go to the pubs and just have a good time. We are very close to the coastline so i hope to get some pics of that, we will travel all around ireland, but Tralee will be the place of our main stay. Travel to Dublin, Galway, All of the Dingle Peninsula etc.

-Week 5- Edinburgh Scotland, the girls and i decided to go on a 5 day back-packing trip around scotland, to Inverness to Lochness, etc, We will stay in 4 different hostels with this trip. Other students from our college also decided to do this, but some picked the 3 day, so that week is completely planned.

-Week 6, London/ around england... Self Explanatory, BigBen, Parliament, CHanging of the Guard, Picadilly circus, clubs, SIGHTSEEING, the London Eye, Bath, Canterbury etc.

-Week 7, First 4 days of this week is paris, wll travel to paris by train from london, and stay in a hostel for 3 nights, we plan to tour as much as we possibly can of the Louvre museum, eiffel tower, arc de triumph, and whatever else possibly comes our way. and the last few days of this week we will arrive back in london, do whatever we missed that we would like to get done and then we leave for home at the end of the week.

This trip should be so much fun. I really wish we could take a train to Spain or Italy, but the funds are not readily available. Maybe ill just have to go back =) Sounds like a good idea to me. Until my trip, talk to you later

Nikki B


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