more on poverty

Published: April 28th 2006
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I've been thinking a lot about whether poverty is always so bad- the question raised in class today, inspired somewhat by my last blogg. It seems that poverty in the united states is looked down upon in a sense, because in the capitalist system, where its everyone for themselves and we all try to get the most stuff and reach the top, and full of opporunity, it seems like impoverished people have failed the system in a way. When people want to help poverty, most people are not as eager to help those in america, but more attention is given to impoverished people in developing nations, and still not enough attention is given to them. Some impoverished, but functional communities in developing nations do not know anything better, while people in poverty in America are able to see the contrast of what they dont have, and they are seen as the dregs of society. Why are there homeless people? They have really failed they system, and perhaps they need help, because since the mental wards were eliminated, many homeless people are mentally unstable and can not get a job or function at all in society. or they are so cracked out they can't function.


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