America Is Fat!

Published: April 19th 2006
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America is Fat!!

It isn't a testament to how rich this country is, if anything, it's a testament to how poor and shallow this country is. As supermodels and celebrities become thinner and thinner, civilians continue to grow to an embarrassing size. As summer is approaching, people are becoming more and more aware of their figures. The role that industry plays on people's weight varies from person to person because designer name brands aim to customers of a smaller body frame so it makes people that want to wear those clothes stay fit enough to fit into their clothes. The less famous brands appeal to a larger crowd and makes clothing that'll fit almost every body shape and size. Its funny because it seems that in impoverished nations, the thin have no choice but to be thin b/c of lack of resources. In America, it's the opposite, the wealthier people tend to be the thinner ones so they can fit into nice, pricey clothes but at the same time they have all the food they could ever need.
Healthy foods are ridiculously more expensive than greasy foods. If I wanted a salad, it'd cost me atleast twice as much as it would to eat at any fast food restaurant. The poor have no choice and it's a terrible problem that it forces them to eat unhealthily or not eat at all. Then again there's those people that aren't poor but chooses to eat unhealthily and that just pissed me off because they actually have alot of control over what goes into their bodies. It makes you wonder... what kind of a world do we live in where living healthy costs people so much, they can't even afford to live.


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