Staging in Philly

Published: June 8th 2008
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Well a lot has happened in the last couple days. My first night in Philly was really hard. Things got much better when registration and training started on saturday. I've been busy ever since. I got the chance to hang out with the other Peace Corps Volunteers and get to know them a little bit last night. There are a bunch of really nice people and I look forward to working with them in Ghana. Tomorrow we leave for Ghana, and this will probably be my last post for a couple weeks. Things are going to be really busy for the first couple of weeks of training and I don't know when I'll get access to the internet again. I am supposed to let all you know that "no news, is good news." It just means that I'm busy and having a good time. I miss all of you, but I'll be back before you know it. Wish me luck, I think I'm going to need some.


12th June 2008

Hi Andrew!
So - I guess you're in Ghana now. I hope the trip went well (i.e. - was uneventful). Can't wait to read how you're doing in Africa. Be safe!!!
13th June 2008

Hi Huey -- Just read your posts and wanted to say we miss you already and hope everything is going good. We are very proud of you!!! Take care of yourself and we look forward to reading about your adventures. Love you always!!

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