started again!

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June 11th 2009
Published: June 11th 2009
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i am off! currently i am in olimpia after taking a couple days to bike here after attending a ten day vipassuna retreat in onalaska, washington. the retreat of wonderfully hard.
the bike riding easy and beautiful and tiring and satisfying.
which by the way to get here i did not take any high traffic roads. i ended up asking locals all the time what roads/old highways to take each pedal turn of the way. none of the roads i took were detailed on my map, and almost all (except old highway 99) were not even on my map. it was a refreshing experience and i got to speak with so many different folks, all characters of the pacific northwest. : ]
i had too much weight and am getting rid of things now and riding into the sunrise (ha right, i am staying up so late with good folks here there is no way i would get up and go with the sunrise unless i don't sleep.) either today or friday.
also i had to change my setup again, i was using a backpack that i attached to my rear rack using caribiners. but that is much too difficult to take off and on so now i zip tied on a milk crate. it gives loads of wind resistance, but for now that will be okay. at a later date i have faith that another something will fall into place to make me not as bulky.
in the mean time tho-no narrow spaces for me on my bike.

my 21st birthday was the 8th of june, the day i got here to olimpia (which btw is a beautiful city/town!). it was the best day o' birth i have ever had, so many good kind people, music, and new faces, and cuddling, and hugs, and laughter, and great food (thanks to an incredible woman named lizzy who cooked for us several times during my stay at unicorn crossing), and wine, and bicycles, and swimming, and dancing. couldn't have been better.
this crew i am hanging with up here in olimpia, mostly at this house called unicorn crossing (how fantastic is that house name!), are so interesting, different that i have ever know, and welcoming. queer and cuddly, devoted to community sharing and loving the earth.

i had better get going cause i am in need of organizing my things and fiddling with my gear and alcohol stove.
if you are a camper and have not heard of diy alcohol stoves check out this website:

may you all be happy and at peace.



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